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Figuring out what drops where

So I started playing DS again and am tying to track down some of my favorite weapons. The tricky thing seems to be figuring out what drops where. For example the unique "Steel Death" is a really rare item overall, but drops very frequently in normal grescal chests / chamber of stars chests and almost nowhere else. The 33 strength leg cleaver is another really rare item, but has a propernsity to drop from Gom, and I've never seen it drop anywhere else.

I looked through the logic.dsres to check out the item templates and the mob templates, but am coming up empty handed. I was hoping for an "item level" on the items, that would determine where they drop, because they seem to have a really narrow range where they can drop. Similarly while I see where monster's inventories are generated, and while I see them say something like "chance = 0.25; il_main = #*/84-128" I don't know how to interpret what this means, or how that number 84-128 is tied to an item that they may drop. I also don't see different numbers for normal/veteran/elite yet it's obvious the drops are different.

Can anyone help me interpret this? My main goal is to be able to track down the 64-strength leg cleaver, if it can even drop in the base game. I found a 54-strength Leg Cleaver on elite pit of despair before, and I've always suspected that chest to have the best drops anywhere in the game, but again it would be great to have a more exact answer than that.