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You understood the question but I don't thnk you're right in interpreting the pcontent.skrit. I think the formula refers to calculating a power for an ITEM, which is then used to see what chests/mobs can contain it. I've yet to really understand how the formula spits out a number, because I've calculated a "power" for certain items that I know can drop from certain mobs, and it doesnt add up.

It would definately help if someone could provide an interpretation for how that skrit file comes up with a final "value" for each item.

Here's my attempt at understanding it, using a dragon wing (modifier max 81, min 47)
So I caan calculate a total power for it using the formula there as 62.3. The problem is I know that a dragon wing gets dropped by chickens in veteran who drop items in the 251-335 range, so I'm missing something.

Simlarly the leg cleaver sword would have a power of 104.3*.79365 = 82.77 but I know for a fact it is a very high level drop.

A later section of the skrit calls upon something called total_power to come up with mods for the weapon:

float calc_modifier_power$( ePContentType type$ )
	// calculate the requested power of the new modifier

	// input: total_power$
	// input: modifier_count$
	// input: item_is_normal$
	// input: item_is_rare$
	// input: item_is_unique$


else if ( item_is_rare$ ) || ( item_is_unique$ )
	  	if ( type$ == PT_WEAPON)
		    if ( total_power$ >= 250.5 )
				if ( modifier_count$ == 1 )
					power$ = GoMath.RandomFloat( 0.07, 0.3 ) * total_power$;
				else if ( modifier_count$ == 2 )
					power$ = GoMath.RandomFloat( 0.035, 0.15 ) * total_power$;

I am having trouble understanding where this total_power comes from. If you notice 250 is the highest range, which makes snese given that the stronger enemies in the game can drop weapons up to 421 in power.