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HardLess's picture

All of those are taken from the file "pcontent.skrit"

Firstly the item class is evaluated :

It's random but with hardcoded chances.
A number between 0 and 100 is randomly created:
If the number is lesser than 95 then it's a normal object.
If the number is lesser than 97 then it's a rare object.
If the number is between 98 and 100 then it's a set object.
Then if it's a rare and the item level is lesser than 6 the item will be a normal.

Then the general type is evaluated:(Same as the item class)

It's random but with hardcoded chances.
A number between 0 and 100 is randomly created:

If the object is normal:
If the number is lesser than 38 then it's an armor piece.
If the number is lesser than 66 then it's a weapon.
If the number is lesser than 70 then it's an amulet.
If the number is lesser than 78 then it's a ring.
If the number is lesser than 84 then it's a spell.
If the number is lesser than 96 then it's a reagent.
If the number is lesser than 100 then it's a spellbook.

If the object is unique, rare or set:
If the number is lesser than 52 then it's an armor piece.
If the number is lesser than 87 then it's a weapon.
If the number is lesser than 92 then it's an amulet.
If the number is lesser than 100 then it's a ring.

Then if the object is an armor piece:

It's random but with hardcoded chances.
A number between 0 and 100 is randomly created:
If the number is lesser than 22 then it's a body armor.
If the number is lesser than 44 then it's an helmet.
If the number is lesser than 66 then it's gloves.
If the number is lesser than 88 then it's boots.
If the number is lesser than 100 then it's a shield.

If the object is normal or rare:
(Level 0 object won't get modifiers)
A number between 0 and 100 is randomly created:

If normal:
If the number is lesser than (40 + Chance to find magical item) then it will have 1 modifier
If the number is lesser than (60 + Chance to find magical item) then it will have 2 modifiers

If rare:
If the number is lesser than 50 then it will have 3 modifiers
If the number is lesser than 100 then it will have 4 modifiers

It's pretty much everything, If you want more details on how modifiers are evaluated I can give you that.

For all items:
Armor 38 % chance
Weapon 28 % chance
Amulet 4 % chance
Ring 8 % chance
Spell 6 % chance
Reagent 12 % chance
Spellbook 4 % chance

For rare, unique or sets:
Armor 52 % chance
Weapon 35 % chance
Amulet 5 % chance
Ring 8 % chance

For all items:
Normal item 95 % chance
Rare item 1 % chance
Unique 1 % chance
Set 3 % chance

For all armor pieces:
Body Armor 22 % chance
Helmet 22 % chance
Gloves 22 % chance
Boots 22 % chance
Shield 12 % chance

I hope I helped,


About the type like melee, ranged weapon or cmagic and nmagic spell,
It's easy it's 50-50.