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.. and I wish there were somebody who understands the numbers and could explain how they work. Really explain, in detail.

There's a clue in Logic.dsres: look inside at world/contentdb/pcontent.gas where all the modifiers are defined and you'll see that each has a power= value (e.g. the "of Hardiness" suffix is worth 6). Alongside that file is another, world/contentdb/pcontent.skrit. I've not tried to make head or tail of it but at first glance it seems to be what puts together the inherent power value of an item with the power of the modifiers to come up with a total to compare what the shopkeeper is supposed to sell or the monster or chest is supposed to drop.

So where do inherent power values come from? Maybe the same place gold values come from, that is they get calculated somehow from all the other attributes.