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Thanks but I know how to give myself an item, I want to actually find it. I'm kind of wierd, the sort of gamer who plays very few games but plays them to completion. Now that I'm going through DS again after like, a decade, I really wanna find some of my old faves. It would be no fun to edit them in.

I still can't believe that items are random. The game can't be totally random. Look at the mallet example. You still haven't explained why that mallet would be sold in Hiroth but not Elddim. It depends on the stats of the shopkeeper but also on the stats of the item. Item's aren't dropped randomly or sold randomly. There HAS to be something that governs them, or the game would be broken. Think about going through the game from the beginning. Items aren't dropped randomly. The early areas drop low level items, the mid areas drop mid level items, the chamber of stars can drop a steel death but not a dragon wing, chicken level can drop a dragon wing but not a steel death, etc. It definately is not random. Even if you used a lvl 150 character to go through the game, the exact same pattern is evident.

You say an item dropping depends on the level of the character and the randomness of the barrel, but there must be a third variable, an item level of sorts. That's what I'm trying to find out.

You actually kind of allude to it in one of your earlier posts when you say " equip_requirements = melee:#item_level - 2.0"

Maybe this is the item level I'm looking for? Do you know where to find these item levels?