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BL001 - the game tends to be random when attempting to locate a specific item. The item may be in a shop or barrel or trunk one time and not the next. Because this is based on many things. The randomness of the barrel, the level of the character and so on.
You could modify a specific barrel or trunk to always give the weapon you want. You could modify a shop in the starting town to contain the weapon, even if your character could not as yet use it. You could also modify the starting hero so that their inventory contained the item. even more than one of them if you so desired.
For example when I am testing a change I made to something in DS1 I have a special inventory I give my starting character which it totally different than what a normal starting character gets.

I know you are trying to figure out where an item might be found, if I want a specific item I put it somewhere by editing the a shop inventory, a barrel inventory such that it contains the specific item and only that item.

Otherwise I just play the game and hope the gods of randomness smile on me.

If you want I can show you how to modify a specific shop or character inventory to contain a specific item.
