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LoneKnight's picture

DS 1.11 on Windows 8?

Hey guys, been a long time huh? I've recently wanted to get back into some wholesome DS1 fun, but it looks like my current OS is getting the better of me. I currently am running Windows 8.1 64-bit, and after installing DS1 with disk AND trying the Steam version that I also own, I can get the game to start with no issue. However, upon loading a map, I am met with an ugly looking mess of the textures. EDIT: Seems like I can't attach images? Keeps failing to post/update. Regardless, this is *not* screen flickering that is a common bug in Windows 7 - this is the textures teleporting and flashing all over the screen. The stuff of nightmares and seizure-inducing.

I've already set the graphics card to my current correct graphics card, and set it up properly in system_details.gas. Additionally, I'm running the game in compatibility mode Windows XP, Service Pack 3. No matter what variables I've tried tweaking so far, I can't seem to get this texture mess fixed.

Has anyone else had this problem? Furthermore is there a known solution? A few hours of googling prior to this haven't led to anything fruitful. It seems not a great deal of people play DS1 and DS2 on Windows 8. Cheers!