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Here my tool to scale ASP model for Dungeon Siege 2.(or PRS)

By default the scaling is set to 1.5, that's what i use to scale up catboy.

Now you can change the scaling by adding a second parameter after the asp's filename.
A bat file is include that will do that. Edit the bat file to change the scale, save it
and drag and drop the ASP into it. The .off file will be the old file.

In the bat file if you add one value, that value will be use for scaling.(ex.: scaling_toolV5.exe %1 1.44 )

If you add another value you will scale an animation (prs file) (ex.: scaling_toolV5.exe %1 1.44 1)
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I have corrected the scaling tool to be able to scale version before 2.3 of an ASP mesh.

Note: This has been reported as working for Dungeon Siege 2 ONLY.


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