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Sharkull's picture

kathycf wrote:
One Smiley to rule them all, One Smiley to find them, One Smiley to bring them all and in the darkness bind them: :girlwerewolf:

A perfect job for a Paladin:


(Too bad Kathy's "one smiley" doesn't look better on the black background... perhaps I'll change her hair colour...)

volkan wrote:
Gonna have to make a list for the smilies Laughing out loud Some smilies will get my carpal tunnel going though :jawdrop: Wink

Just be happy I didn't upload my entire collection (well over 500 now).

Note: I see a bunch of unimportant codes (" ") within the smiley code listings... just ignore that junk (it should be hidden, it's just a separator for between multiple codes for the same smiley).