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@Lady Femme: If my old PC is still good in something then it's for having fans. :P
Beside of the PSU there is a front and a rear fan, and each of the two HD boxes has its extra fan. They all have a diameter of 8cm and run at 5V, so they are not really loud (a 4cm high-speed fan alone would be louder I think).

Howewer these fans 'just' take the heat away from the graphic card and bring it to me - so as long we share one room the dimension of cooling system has finally no real impact on the room temperature (unless there are some isolated heat pipes leaving the room).
Zher is so much concentrated heat energie in a PC - it's a shame that it isn't used/transformed for some thing more useful... Sad

There really should be a PC with integreated Stirling engine or so...
                 Stirling engine