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bare_elf wrote:
He was in the map region Called durathan and he was listed as dsx_utraean_elder_male_01 and he had no mind pointing to jat_talk = world\ai\jobs\common\job_talk.skrit; So I will edit the gas file and start from a save before durathan and see what happens. Elf

I should have known as soon as I saw that the character was based on dsx_utraean_elder_male_01 that the problem was a conflict between the Loridan map and both Cat Mansion Adepts and Legends of Utrae as my versions of both mods are set to a very high priority so that all of my changes, edits and modifications will appear on any map. So far this is the only problem I have encountered with a map.
Looks as if I will need to do a little more work.
