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Loup_Ombrage wrote:
...Christian Atheist...

(wow, I never heard of a Christian who didn't believe in God. :P ).

I'm and Agnostic Atheist.

I believe that there are some things which are unknowable to humans, and the existance or non-existance of God is one of those things... proof is not possible (given the limitations of the human experience), therefore I'm an Agnostic.

There's also a matter of personal belief (without proof...). I cannot make myself believe something as important as the nature of the Universe (or universes... :roll: ) without some semblance of proof... I just can't. Something is written in some really old books is not proof... neither is the "lots of people beileve it, so it must be the Truth" argument. I live my life relying on my own rational thinking mind to guide my way, and to purposefully delude myself into a belief system that erodes my control over my own most valueable life's tool, my faculty of reason, I would be killing a part of myself. A part I like very much. Therefore I do not personnaly believe in God, and I'm an Atheist (of the "weak atheist" variety... not be confused with Anti-Theist, which I'm not).

Kathy just beat me to the punch, so I'll answer her question too...

I like the concept of "karma" / the "Golden Rule" (you know... the "do unto others" thing you mentioned), and it is a valid and consistent moral principle (IMHO). Treat people the way you want to be treated... This is an excellent guiding principle for social interaction. If you always take this perspective then you also have a strong starting point for a sense of justice.

Whether there is something in the Universe that will reward you for following this principle, I would say no... but acting morally can be rewarding on its own (fewer regrets, less guilt...).

Did I explain that (the Agnostic / Atheist thing) clearly?