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Sharkull's picture

This is both an answer and a question, Sharkull

OK... I was only trying to be helpful because it did not have a "?" nor was it at the end of your post... Smile

So, what makes a post relevant, and not a spam?

Aside from the OT forum, (where pretty much anything goes within the site's rules) spam posts are basically posts without significant content. Something that adds to a discussion, or otherwise provides value to a thread is not spam. Unjustified rudeness is spam, and so is a simple "I agree" post (not to be confused with a good "I agree because..." post). Anything that violates the site's rules is also spam (links to warez, naughty sites...). Posting short successive posts, for the sake of post count boosting is spam. Basically; unsolicited, unwanted, irrelevant, or inappropriate messages are spam.

Wow, major post order weirdness... Gene2324's post is a full day out of synch!
To answer JD's and Gene2324's questions: I don't know, and I don't know. Wink

Does anyone remember how many members that StD v1 had?