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Sharkull's picture

I fought my way through the last door I can see, and received an "Episcopal Ring" from a container. ^^ I can't think of any other areas that were locked off from me in the other levels so I think I've seen it all now. :dance1: Of course there is the possibility I'm missing something, but I think I'm through exploring. I'd post a screenie of my character with the inventory open, but I think there may be too many spoilers in such a shot and I wouldn't want to spoil anyone's fun.

I do however have some things I'm wondering about:
-I remember seeing a "named" plant in the first chapter's mansion... is there something I should be able to do with it?
-Does the police equipment have a special use?
-What about the "improvised shields"?
-Gold Nuggets?
-Chair leg?

Also, I couldn't get one of the spells to work: the summon broom spell. I created it fine, but it doesn't work... :?

I think I might try playing though again because it was a "Happy Halloween" time, but this go through I'll use a male character (just to see the rest of the gender specific stuff). Smile


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