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Charietto's picture

The map comes along with a .dsres file.
So it has to be considered a mod for the purpose of playing another mods like LoH or MW (and as those, it is a standalone mod). But if you are playing those, you know the trick: install Halloween Special in the same way that you installed them (for XP PRO, here's how it goes):

1) go to: C:\Documents and Settings\User Name\My Documents\Dungeon Siege LOA\
2) Create a new folder called "Halloween".
3) go to your Dungeon Siege installation folder. If you haven’t changed the install location, it should be in: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Dungeon Siege\
4) Create a new folder called /hs_lls under your /Dungeon Siege folder.
5) Extract the files from the archive into the / hs_lls folder.
6) Right-click on your desktop, select New>Shortcut. A wizard opens.
7) Set the « Target » line like this:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Dungeon Siege\DSLOA.exe" res_paths=hs_lls map_paths=!hs_lls user_path="C:\Documents and Settings\User Name\My documents\Dungeon Siege LOA\Halloween"

Important note: you need to rename the HalloweenSpec.dsmap to hs_lls.dsmap to use the command line above (not sure why, but the upper case "H" seems to bug the line. I'll rename the map for the next release).


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