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Importing Models from LOA DS2 to DS1?

Is it possible to import models from LOA or DS2 into DS1. I got the mesh on one model to show up in siege editor, but the prs/animation files don't seem to import? The mesh doesn't show in a game, and the editor displays numerous nema aspect errors. Anyone have a clue?

ASP/PRS have version numbers in them so it may not always work going backwards, if the engine doesn't recognise that level. Older models work in newer engines, but not vice versa.

Lance's import tools for gmax only supported up to version 3.x and gmax itself would export with a 4.0 version stamp, so you couldn't re-import your own work! If I recall right LoA introduced 5.0 and 5.1 versions. Xaa and I did as much work as we needed on the ASP script to get to the point where we could import the skinmesh, and the bones, but not the mesh weights, which we were going to have to change anyhow for what we were doing, which was to alter the meshes, as well as add animations.

I have been able to import the DS2 (or BW or LOA) models into gmax using those, but the result is effectively a new model, incompatible with the original. I can build a new set of PRS animations in gmax for the cloned mesh, but they won't work with the original ASP, although they will work for the clone. This is fine if I'm using the GPG models as basis for new ones, but it means I can't add new animations to existing models.

There are a few interesting exceptions: the male human, and female characters in DS2 use the DS1 skeleton, and are compatible with the DS1 animations. That means that I could build new animations using the DS1 art packs that work in DS2 for those characters. It may also mean (I haven't tried) that the DS2 animations for those characters might work in DS1 - e.g. the thrown, dual-wield series. If they're release-stamped too high (which is likely), you're out of luck again, although you may be able to adjust the PRS import script for gmax to "downgrade" them to something DS1 recognizes.

Check the Forge, too. There was something there about success with the CatMansion models using Blender, so there may be other pathways to imprt/export this material.

Abstraction site
Dungeon Raider

Hmm, I am sure to seem like a complete idiot with this question, goes. Does this mean there is the potential to have player characters that look like the ones in DS1 and LOA? Some of the characters in DS2 look very....unattractive. I guess that is superficial of me... *blush*

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

It is possible to bring any models from DS1 or LoA up to DS2, but not the other way around.

BUT (there's always a but) the armor might not fit without some work. And once you've covered a DS1 character in DS2 armor, they look just like a DS2 character. After all, you've replaced the body, head, hands and feet to get the armor on them.

More interesting might be adding Zaurask or Hassat mobs in DS2 deserts and jungles.

Abstraction site
Dungeon Raider

What if there was a model with the mesh or whatever you call it changed so the way the armor fits changes? For example the way Catmansion or the Dark/Light elves in DS1 look completeely different from "normal" player characters in most of the armors. Of course I know that would entail re-working a model but it should be possible in theory, no?

But yes, it would be interesting to have some of those familiar creatures imported in.

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

And you'd have to do all of them, if you do any. Each armor is basically a rebuild of the character wearing the armor shape, with the armor part UV mapped to use the armor textures. You have to do a new mesh for each armor type (only 5 of these) and also place a copy of the ornaments onto the same skeleton, so they can be added. Then the same thing for helmets, gloves and boots, except that these are just a question of taking the GPG mesh and attaching it to the character's skeleton like you do with the ornaments.

At least DS2 doesn't have 50 different helmets like DS1 did. When I made Lara for DS1 I had to make her 50 new heads wearing each of the helmets, and then do a few more when LoA came out. I can't remember how many heads are needed for DS2, but they did more with textures instead of shapes, and cut the number down considerably.

What they did to make up for that was introduce more animations. Any character brought forward from DS1 to DS2 has to have the dual-wield and thrown weapon animations added.

In the project I'm working on, I've used the DS1 wolves as DS2 Jackals to add to the desert fauna (with a fresh coat of fur) and re-used my DS1 snakes likewise, but I haven't tried to use a DS1 PC yet. (The waitresses in the casino with the bunny ears/tail are based on DS2 farmgirl as she has a better UV map to work with, and anyway they don't join you and need to wear anything else, so they don't count.)

The skeleton might make an interesting carry forward project. You have some skeletal mobs in DS2 already to steal from.

Abstraction site
Dungeon Raider

Seems like a lot of work, but it would be interesting to see a little Catmansion type character for DS2....

ghastley, are you still thinking of a DS2 Lara? Or is this something different?

I have also started work on a siegelet featuring Lara and a lot of gratuitous sex. There's a Bunny club, pole dancers, a mugger/rapist and a lot of "ladies of the evening". She still has to battle her way through wild animals who think she looks tasty, as well as dealing with men who think the same way. I'll post the printable parts of my progress in the blog section, as well as writing tutorials whenever I think anyone else could use the knowledge I've clawed from the game in building it.

*EDIT* Ok, I read more and see that you are trying for DS2. More science, less magic. Wink

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

Thx, I guess I'm outta luck. I guess it would just be ezr to make new models based on ds2. Importing rings, weapons, etc .. worked well. Except that when its dropped all models look like the base amulet, ring etc... or the _01 model of the item!?! I stopped there cause I heard ds1 is going offline in april. But who knows, anyways?!? Do you have any links or documentation on converting models, reading meshes and animation files?

CatMansion girl for DS2 would be just the character to wear those bunny slippers.

I don't recall if I ever got the Cat Mansion models to import into gmax completely. But you can read in the skin, and the bones, and re-weight manually if you're going to build DS2 armor versions. It's possible that the source gmax files are available somewhere for those figures, too. I'll se what I have when I get home from work.


Lara for DS2 is still in a state of indecision about multiple outfits. The work I did to let her wear separate shirt and shorts makes the standard one-piece DS2 armor incompatible, but I'm halfway considering whether I can extend things to other tops at least. If I do, I'll describe the process on my site.

Abstraction site
Dungeon Raider

That would be wonderful ghastely. Smile

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

Well, I hunted several machines that might have had something, but all I have is the ASP files extracted from the dsres. I thought I might have imported them into gmax at one point, but apparently I didn't keep the results. They would not have been compatible with the originals, anyway, as the import changes the bone order or something equally destructive.

Abstraction site
Dungeon Raider

Mcarp has a 3ds max importor based off of xaa and other's work, but it has the same problem. The bones come out pretty messed up. He was able to get a pretty clean skeleton for his Mgirl character. She has some weighing issues that he didn't want to fix, so not sure if he made her public or not. Too bad we do not have a damn art pack for DS2 Sad . The uv map comes out upside down with this importer, but that is easy to fix. I've been meaning to upload it. I havn't tried converting any of the human type characters from DS1 to DS2, but I have had no problems with single mesh characters such as the drake and bear.

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