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"Level Up" mod?

I am very surprised at the dificulty I'm having finding DS II mods, considering how easy it was to find them when I played DSI.

Does anyone have a link where I can download a "Level Up" mod? Beating down thousands of monsters gets boring after your fifth time through, and I just install it now and again for nostalgia nowadays.

Sharkull's picture

What do you mean by "Level Up" mod? A quick experience cheat mod? I remember guru had some stuff like that, but last time I checked his site was down (not sure if anyone has a mirror). Stare

BTW, welcome to SiegeTheDay (feel free to join). If you wanted to try and create your own XP buff mod we could probably help you with some tips. Smile

Yes exactly like the XP rings and spell mods for the original Dungeon Siege that increase XP. I don't know the first thing about creating mods, but if there isn't an XP mod out there making one might be my only alternative.

Yes that is exactly what I need. Something like the XP ring and spell mods that increase XP gain for the original Dungeon Siege. I don't know the first thing about making mods but if none of this type exist, creating one would be my only other alternative.

An artificially levelled character will have the skills and powers, but not the quest bits/lore/etc. for starting in the middle of the game. You'd be OK for starting off at Elite level, instead of Veteran or Mercenary, but you end up playing the same game and meeting the same characters at each level anyway, so I've only played all three levels with one character. Mostly I start from scratch, building a different set off skills, each time I play.

You might want to try and get hold of an MP save game for a character built the way you like them - saved at the point where you want to start. That would have all the questbook stuff filled in, so you wouldn't have to go back and find it. (BW sort of does this by giving you one pre-built character of each skill specialty).

A library of these might make an interesting web site. (or even this one..?)

Edit: and of course you could always use DS2MOD to adjust a character.

Abstraction site
Dungeon Raider

It won't let me reply anonymously anymore, so I had to register.

By "Level up" mod I mean something similar to the XP spell and ring mods that were created for DS1. I don't want to skip the quests, I just want to be able to hit +drlife and run past the zergs of monsters I don't want to fight without being level 1 by the time I want to kill something.

What is this DS2MOD of which you speak?

Sharkull's picture

DS2Mod is part of the DS2TK (DS2 Tool Kit), and is basically an enhanced version of DS2 for modders / mod users (with extra features, like a console prompt).

If you do go that route, my_test_world has something in it which makes levelling very easy and quick. I just noticed MTW wasn't uploaded into the new download section here yet... hopefully by the time you read this it will be (I added the download page and the file still needs to be uploaded), but otherwise Herena Forge has a copy.

Uploaded and can be found in the DS2 map download section.

Just to amplify on the DS2MOD comment.

There is a "stats" command that a mod developer can use to adjust any stat of the selected character up (or down) to match what is needed for a particular point in the game. As a player you could use it to bypass the tedious fights, by adjustig up, or make the too-easy ones more fun by adjusting down. Then you try changing the balance of the character (more dex, less strength) to see if it's more enjoyable that way, and then you want to adjust the mobs too, so you write your first mod, and you're hooked on modding.

Abstraction site
Dungeon Raider

Ok, I downloaded the toolkit. I used it before, but It was a while ago and I can't remember much about it at all. I do remember extracting charicter files and using a charicter editor to increase skills stats and levels. But I can't remember any of that. I got as far as extracting the charicter files from my saved game, and thats where I'm stuck at. Was the program that I used to edit the charicters in the Toolkit? Did I get it from somewhere else? Where did I get it from? I booted up the DS2MOD thingamajiger but that won't help me unless I know the commands used to adjust the charicter. If you could tell me that, I probably wouldn't need the charicter editor Wink

Sharkull's picture

You can't edit your DS2 character stats manually... that could only be done with DS1 MP saves. GPG changed the format...

The commands in DS2Mod are explained quite well in the console's help. It's been a while, but if you press the ~ key and then enter "help stats" (without the quotes) the resulting text should give the details you're looking for.

For a list of most console commands, just enter "help" at the console prompt.

No, I distinctly remember editing my charicters level, stats, and spec points with a charicter editor. I know it was DS2 because I overshot the spec points and ended up with a negative number my first time around. DS1 doesn't have spec points. I settled with taking everything in melee and everything in archery to 10, cept dual wield and the top archer path I maxed out to 20. I just don't know how I did it, or what program I used ^.^

But anyway, Thanks for the tip about the "help" command. That helped a lot. Smile

Sharkull's picture

You're welcome... Smile

OK, the character editor tool you're mentioning was made by a fan, and is not part of the DS2TK. I've heard of it but don't know where to find it now. DS1 MP saves could be edited with a text editor, but DS2 uses a binary storage format so hex editing (or such a program) is the only way... (and not worth mentioning IMO, given the alternatives).

But can a character be brought back to the normal game after being saved in ds2mod?

I recall having problems with this.

Sharkull's picture

AFAIK, DS2Mod saves are not compatible with regular DS2.