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New map: Empire of Stars

Hello I'm making a new map Big smile

It will audaciously be called "Empire of Stars". The admittedly rather whacky idea is that the ancient Empire of Stars was actually an interstellar empire. The hero discovers an ancient interstellar hub that brings them to other planets.

The existing hub has 8 platforms so there will be 8 stars. The main quests are finding your aunt (who discovered the hub before you) and then finding a way back home again. To be able to teleport to a certain planet you need its "starstone".

I made a first demo release of the introduction island and the hub. You will find the aunt right in the hub. The island has a few enemies that let you reach level one. Among them are unique black snappers & crabs on the beaches.

Project GitHub:
Demo Release:

Try it out and let me know what you think! Big smile

You fixed the problem with the floating fireplace in the chapel and the healt potion you could not pick up. Vega is very much a nasty jungle. I spent an hour walking about and could not find how to get back to the start point. I am glad you put in an auto save. Had to use that so I could move on to finding Aunt Luna on Betelgeuse in Palim Palim. Hired the male in the town. It should be noted that his shield grip is wrong at least with Kathy's Halloween shields. His hand sticks through the shield. The 4 of us are now on the way to Wishy Washy. Smile great place names LoL
Found Utraean Girl in Wishy Washy, her shield grip is correct when using Kathy's Halloween Shields. Her hand remains behind shield.

No idea what could be wrong with the shield grip. His template simply does specializes = base_pm_fb; and then model = m_c_gah_fb_pos_a1; Puzzled
Maybe it's a general issue with that modded shield? I assume you have a mod dsres that made the shield drop, it's not included in the map in any case.

bare_elf wrote:
It should be noted that his shield grip is wrong at least with Kathy's Halloween shields. His hand sticks through the shield

foerstj wrote:

No idea what could be wrong with the shield grip. His template simply does specializes = base_pm_fb; and then model = m_c_gah_fb_pos_a1; Puzzled

Maybe it's a general issue with that modded shield? I assume you have a mod dsres that made the shield drop, it's not included in the map in any case.

I made the shield mod and used standard Dungeon Siege shield models, simply with different textures. The grip error might stem from using Cat Mansion characters, specifically the male model. I gather the female one works correctly. I will give the map a try with the Cat Mansion characters and see what happens. Time to put on my Nancy Drew, Girl Detective hat. Wink


The jungle consists of two regions, one to the southwest of the landing area, one to the southeast. So the teleport is close to the northern border somewhere in the middle, that's still a lot to search if you're unsure whether you're west or east of it.
Some rules of thumb: From the pygmies -> go northeast. From the meadow -> there's a big gap west of it; from the western end of the gap go north.
There are two giant trees: one on top of the pygmy plateau, one east of the meadow/gap. There are two lakes, one right at the teleport and one all the way to the east.
The next update will make the jungle even bigger, adding a region towards the northeast, likely with some Hassat.
I couldn't really put sineage in the jungle. It's supposed to be wilderness after all. Was even in doubt of removing the crates and torches and even the trodden paths, but then I figured they might be made by the Hassat or even the pygmies (for now). Might think of something that gives me an excuse to put up sineage for the next release.
Actually I haven't thought of the problem before - guess I know my own map so I didn't get lost lol. I was only thinking how to tell the player the directions to the pygmies & Hassat, but that would make even less sense - having such a sign at the teleporter would simply be implausible.

I loaded up a game of Legends of Aranna so I could check Jondar to check how his shield grip looks. Here are the results
Jondar Good Dar Bad

So many mods, I'm surprised if my NPCs show up at all! Who is this Jondar and why are they not freezing? Brr.
(For the next version I'm planning a cold planet btw)
Were they wearing the same gloves tho? Otherwise still at a loss what might be the cause. I did no changes on the model, and also Dar's's template was copypasted & adapted, not written from scratch. Seems you gotta live with it :P

Started a new character to test this version of the map. the beach does seem to have more enemies. made it back to the town bought a packmule, will get the other companions next play.


He is the first NPC you can hire in Legends of Aranna.

We have snow suits for your cold planet Smile


Hey, I moved this comment to my blog, where it belongs. Sorry for going so far off topic everybody.

I like the fact that the ambient critters have names now.

Screen shot is because I thought it looked cool. Smile

Regarding the shield grip/clipping problem, I have a blog entry and a fix for it. Clipping and You

We can not get home!! Shouldn't Aunt Luna have the Aranna Stone? She only has the stone to the planet she is on. What the heck I am doing wrong!!
Help me.

bare_elf wrote:

We can not get home!! Shouldn't Aunt Luna have the Aranna Stone? She only has the stone to the planet she is on. What the heck I am doing wrong!!

Help me.

Thinking it might have something to do with the Catmansion (anime characters) I used the standard characters. Same result.


Don't worry, it's all right - she doesn't have the Aranna Starstone. Speak with the other lady at the campfire, she'll give you a quest to visit the wise old man in the other village. You have to go through the flower forest and talk to him, he gives you the stone.

foerstj wrote:

Don't worry, it's all right - she doesn't have the Aranna Starstone. Speak with the other lady at the campfire, she'll give you a quest to visit the wise old man in the other village. You have to go through the flower forest and talk to him, he gives you the stone.

Thank you for the tip. I had been to see the old man at the lake before, but did not notice the stone under all of his talking. So this time after closing his conversation I picked up the Starstone for Aranna. I also picked up Blayze, such a cheerful Utraean Girl. She much more fun than the dower Dar, who looks like he ate a past the sell by date cupcake. We are now back home and debating about visiting the Dwarves for some bad beer and stew or taking a nap. I vote for a nap!

They have some good mulled mead but it's probably a bit too sweet for a hardy adventurer's taste. Don't worry I'm already working on the tavern on Altair, and I promise it'll have better beer.
There'll be dwarves in a snowy landscape, by the way. I don't know why, but I always put my dwarves in the snow. Same thing back in Pentachoron Garden.
Have a good nap!

well it seems my little adventure in this map has got me modding a bear summon for now, maybe will add a bear pet to map somehow

i did the Crypt in the last play, and added the female merc in town, so have party of 3 now but forgot to take screen shot, now i need to find the displacers hopefully it not far from the town to turn in that quest and travel to the next area.


From Eddiloo you can find the teleporters by going back where you came from Wink Wink
But enough smartassery - you're not the first one wondering where they were. I'll add a sign. Maybe it can read "ancient ruins" or sth

Nice! Did you find the chest behind the giant stone head?

(Next update will get its own forum thread btw)

foerstj wrote:

Nice! Did you find the chest behind the giant stone head?

(Next update will get its own forum thread btw)

not sure i may have missed it but will go back some other i found Aunt Luna
my party just doubled in size and a good thing cause those mucosa and spiders almost killed my party of 3

and the shop is selling more Kathy shields

Oh I promised to post some dev screens "soon" so here are some...

Welcome to the town of Lagomsno:

Meet Sig of Mugmort, hireable melee fighter:

Concept art for the Winternight Woods:

In the middle of the Winternight Woods there'll be this shrine, with a little side quest:

Apart from a snowy landscape, the planet of Altair will feature a hellishly hot interior - and an even colder ice moon.
I'm also gonna extend the jungle of Vega, so there'll at least be some new lush green landscape added in the 0.4 release.

Congratulations for the hard work buddy...

Darkelf wrote:

not sure i may have missed it but will go back some other i found Aunt Luna
my party just doubled in size and a good thing cause those mucosa and spiders almost killed my party of 3

and the shop is selling more Kathy shields

Oh nice, more shields! I'm glad you are using them. Smile

The map is really taking shape. Can't say I care for those frickin' chitterskrags or w/e they're called. Just nasty.

The winter scenes in the "dev screen" post look great. Those areas were always my favorite. It looks like a particular dwarf has gotten a shout out? Dwarf
Laughing out loud

The only major downside to using a dwarf girl is she hands/arms

sigofmugmort1 wrote:

The only major downside to using a dwarf girl is the hands/arms

(I do like my pack wolf Smile )

I'm basically done with all new regions now. I just finished a playthru and found some more issues, which I will hopefully be able to fix quickly. So no promises but maybe EoS 0.4 will be released already tomorrow Smile

As proof here are some screenshots. You already saw the snow landscape on the surface of the Altair planet. Here's the Fireheart Caverns, the Ice Moon, and some more Vega:

I made some new enemies for each of them (simple templating).

As announced, I made a new forum thread for the 0.4 release, so let's continue discussing there:
