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New map: Empire of Stars

Hello I'm making a new map Big smile

It will audaciously be called "Empire of Stars". The admittedly rather whacky idea is that the ancient Empire of Stars was actually an interstellar empire. The hero discovers an ancient interstellar hub that brings them to other planets.

The existing hub has 8 platforms so there will be 8 stars. The main quests are finding your aunt (who discovered the hub before you) and then finding a way back home again. To be able to teleport to a certain planet you need its "starstone".

I made a first demo release of the introduction island and the hub. You will find the aunt right in the hub. The island has a few enemies that let you reach level one. Among them are unique black snappers & crabs on the beaches.

Project GitHub:
Demo Release:

Try it out and let me know what you think! Big smile

KillerGremal wrote:

...I like the dark SithGremal most! Evil Wink

That is a pretty cool gremal. I can see why you would like such a killer beastie. Smile

Hi foersj-
The Utreans are looking good. Yes, you must ditch the socks. Wink The tattoos on the woman look good w/ nice color variations.

Here are some examples of how alpha channels work on the alpha supported a1 models from Cutie girl revived 2.
All characters are wearing the exact same base outfit as well as the pink armor.

So, no need to worry about matching skin tones or all that. If you want, you can look at the Cutie mod at the link above, or you can browse my FG skins as I include those particular a1 models in my mod. Only the farmgirl face textures are mine.

Dungeon Siege Revived for LoA is the original source for the extra head/wig models, as well as the ribbon mesh. My ribbon mod is just new textures for ribbons.

All mods are untanked and you may use any assets with proper credit. Bare Elf has some cool alpha channel armor and I have some items myself as well. I also have a couple of ideas for some white body armor that I can post later on. Mmm, if you have questions or whatever on the mods I can help or some of the other modders as well.

I attached two screenshots of the male and female nudes from Cutie girl. As you can see, the male texture needs a bit of work to make it more natural looking. He looks as if he had some sort of injury to his junk as well as a hair waxing tragedy. Those darn bikini waxes claim another innocent victim! Tongue Sad

These pics are nude, so use your discretion folks.

foerstj wrote:

Weekend Update, still didn't actually start on the next EoS release, but I was busy making models for Betelgeuse.

I hate the work, it takes an awful lot of time.

Here are some cats. Took me a day to make them meow. Models & animations are more awkward than can be seen here. Taken from Project Britannia:

I like the cats. I've been wanting to do something with those cat models for ages.

I decided to delete all pictures but one from the initial post, because it gets annoying to scroll it down on every new forum page.

Here they are, for the record:

...And here are some new Sneak Peek pictures from the impenetrable jungle of Vega! Cool Not 100% final:

Vega is the "useless" planet of the map. You can find some nice stuff there but it's not required to visit to fulfill any quest.
You can come to Vega to go hunting, for training your characters. It is an example of a civilization completely vanished, with few traces of the former presence of the Empire of Stars still remaining.

If it's an "impenetrable jungle" how do you manage to walk around the bloody thing then?.

Moros wrote:

If it's an "impenetrable jungle" how do you manage to walk around the bloody thing then?.

Maybe a magic carpet or ultra light aircraft equipped with ranged weapons and a hook to pick things up. Smile Maybe Dense Jungle would be a better choice.

bare_elf wrote:

Maybe a magic carpet or ultra light aircraft equipped with ranged weapons and a hook to pick things up.

I like the idea of a flying magic carpet.

Okay okay "impenetrable" just sounded cool Tongue dense then it is
And happy Easter

Working on Betelgeuse.
Sneak Peek screen shots tomorrow.
Warning in advance, if you found my upscaled flowers in Pentachoron Garden rather silly, you're gonna absolutely hate Betelgeuse Wink

Welcome to Betelgeuse. On this planet basically I tested out how many flowers could possibly fit on a map.

Pink fog because Betelgeuse is a pink star. I'm not going to be remotely physically accurate on this map, but if it gives me an excuse to use pink fog on my flower planet then yeah.
Quite a paradise isn't it? Well except if you're afraid of spiders and mucosas Wink

Utraean villages aren't half finished yet, sorry. Imagine white-clad Utraeans and gypsy tents. And Chitterskrags that they keep as livestock.

kathycf wrote:

what does bloody "sheesh" mean?

It's used to express disbelief or exasperation.

started playing your new map Empire of Stars, its quite beautiful!

already have 3 in party and i see another i need 100 gold for but will get in future play.

foerstj wrote:

Welcome to Betelgeuse. On this planet basically I tested out how many flowers could possibly fit on a map.

Pink fog because Betelgeuse is a pink star. I'm not going to be remotely physically accurate on this map, but if it gives me an excuse to use pink fog on my flower planet then yeah.
Quite a paradise isn't it? Well except if you're afraid of spiders and mucosas Wink

Utraean villages aren't half finished yet, sorry. Imagine white-clad Utraeans and gypsy tents. And Chitterskrags that they keep as livestock.

That pink mist looks really cool and I did enjoy the giant flowers from Pentachron Garden. The combination of the two looks very nice. Gotta ask, why Chitterskrags as livestock? The Utraens don't actually, well, milk them? No, they can't be mammals so are they laying eggs? I'm getting a little anxious now...

Between Easter, not feeling so great and playing Springfest in LoTRo (must barter for silly hats...) I haven't had much of a chance to play with the updated version of the map. Now things are a little quieter so I should see Auntie Luna soon.

Thank you Darkelf for playing!

Current version is 0.2 with Alpha Centauri. I'm still working on the next release 0.3 with Betelgeuse and a first part of Vega. There will be two more hireables on Betelgeuse.

About the bugs, it's for a very funny pun on the name Betelgeuse which sounds like Beetle Juice. Geddit? I came up with it myself. Anyways yeah they keep Beetles as livestock, and how exactly the Juice is made will be left to your imagination.

Foerstj, the more I look at your screen shots the more I find my self enamored of the giant flowers. To bad you could not grow giant vegetables too. Like in the old black and white movie "Beginning of the End" That way the poor people would not have to milk Chitterskrags for food. Would also explain things like giant bugs and animals Smile

You can find the plot of the movie on Wikipedia. Again I must say I think the flowers are great and I also love the pink sky.

Well, it was actually just Aunt Luna. She wanted the pitchfork laying next to the cow and "accidentally" cast a fireshot picking it up. Poor cow.

Floating Fireplace: I noticed this in the chapel cellar while kicking out the Krug.

Perhaps a glitch when putting the fireplace in?

I'm glad the mayor was nearby so I could purchase some shoes for Auntie and armor and stuff for Laura. I played for a little over an hour. I take a long time because I'm nosy and walk everywhere to see if I missed something. I was a little disappointed that you didn't give names to the ambient animals in this map.

Regarding the chitterskrags, that's just nasty. Wink Tongue
I'm straying a little off topic, but your comment reminded me of an episode of Futurama. Fry and company visit the Slurm factory and discover the truth about Slurm production.

Kathy after Killing the cow with fire shot too. I did a little test on all the other animals in town. First I tried Zap on all the other animals they all lived. Then with my sword they all lived. Same was true with my bow. Now using fire shot found out all the dogs in town are bullet proof. However fire shot killed all the other domestic animals. So I conclude from this that there is a difference in the Fire Shot template that is causing this. Will check a few other maps to see if it happens there as well.

Same is true on several other maps so it is not Empire of Stars spastic because it happens in Legends of Aranna map and Kingdom of Ehb map. The Fire Shot spell is different than other spells and weapons. I am not going to look into why.

bare_elf wrote:

Kathy after Killing the cow with fire shot too. I did a little test on all the other animals in town. First I tried Zap on all the other animals they all lived. Then with my sword they all lived. Same was true with my bow. Now using fire shot found out all the dogs in town are bullet proof. However fire shot killed all the other domestic animals. So I conclude from this that there is a difference in the Fire Shot template that is causing this. Will check a few other maps to see if it happens there as well.

Same is true on several other maps so it is not Empire of Stars spastic because it happens in Legends of Aranna map and Kingdom of Ehb map. The Fire Shot spell is different than other spells and weapons. I am not going to look into why.

The only way I have seen to kill critters is by right clicking on the ground next to an innocent creature while casting an offensive spell. That seems to reflect the damage and murderize the poor thing. Combat spells seem to have more aoe damage than nature spells and are likely more effective.

I accidentally once killed a gremal that was standing behind a barrel when I broke it using Explosive Powder. I don't remember right clicking on the ground when picking up the pitchfork earlier today, but I do stuff like that all the time. I'm not sure how you were able to kill the domestic creatures but not other ambients. Perhaps the answer lies in the critter template, not the spell template?

"But Kathy" you might ask "Why are you being so bloodthirsty? I thought you liked animals!?" I do. I found out some of this stuff just being clumsy. Also, my boyfriend used to make me so annoyed when he went around killing critters in several different games we played together.

"Duh, they aren't real!" doesn't cut it! Angry

bare_elf wrote:
Too bad you could not grow giant vegetables too.

The ones on Alpha Centauri are large enough to make comfortable seats on which farmers can take a (no doubt well earned) rest.


i found a health potion on a table in one house couldnt loot off table perhaps a bug not sure.

pretty much have the quests all done found the last part will have to find the area again to finish

think i found one of Kathy's shields so using it, have full party now!

You probably didn't kill the cow by picking up the pitchfork, but because there's a phrak right behind it. It happens to me sometimes as well. Will move the phrak.
I'll also try to move that potion a bit. I don't remember touching either the table or the potion, so wonder why it isn't reachable.
About the farmer woman taking a rest, she has a "hoe1" animation but apparently "townfolk" characters aren't equipped with that chore, and then I thought oh well, I'll just let her sit on this cabbage then Smile
Did you find your way back to the landing pad? Don't miss out on the two moons Wink Alpha Centauri has a moon with animals & loot, Aranna has a moon with magic moon dwarves. They're both just bonus regions, hope you find them.

Darkelf wrote:

i found a health potion on a table in one house couldnt loot off table perhaps a bug not sure.

think i found one of Kathy's shields so using it, have full party now!

Ooh, yes that shield is one of mine Smile Smile

I experienced the same glitch with the health potion that Darkelf had.

Another glitch where the fire is showing both in the chapel and underneath it.

foerstj wrote:

You probably didn't kill the cow by picking up the pitchfork, but because there's a phrak right behind it. It happens to me sometimes as well. Will move the phrak.

As I mentioned in my previous post, the ambient critters getting killed by area of effect damage has happened to me with Dungeon Siege on several occasions. I had already killed the phrak and was checking my inventory and then decided to pick up the pitchfork. I just happen to like pitchforks. Smile

Hi, sorry not much updates, busy with other things as well this weekend, but y'all playtesting so thoroughly I should give you an update! Anyways timeframe for 0.3 release is "in April" so don't worry there's still time.

Here are some pics

Concept of bathing scene - for now using standard models (Jharmaya gets equipped with random staff). Set on a lakeshore.

After fumbling around in GIMP I managed to make these textures from the Girl_Armor_5 resources. I won't need more NPCs than these so I escape learning yet another thing... (Yeah I know, once I understood how alpha channel models work it would all have been easier yada yada... but I'm already out of my depth so just glad I got something working that doesn't look broken lol.)

foerstj wrote:

After fumbling around in GIMP I managed to make these textures from the Girl_Armor_5 resources. I won't need more NPCs than these so I escape learning yet another thing... (Yeah I know, once I understood how alpha channel models work it would all have been easier yada yada... but I'm already out of my depth so just glad I got something working that doesn't look broken lol.)

Those clothes look good. Smile

I was fiddling with making a long dress, but it isn't finished. Looks like it won't fit in thematically with your other clothing textures though. Oh well.

kathycf wrote:

foerstj wrote:

After fumbling around in GIMP I managed to make these textures from the Girl_Armor_5 resources. I won't need more NPCs than these so I escape learning yet another thing... (Yeah I know, once I understood how alpha channel models work it would all have been easier yada yada... but I'm already out of my depth so just glad I got something working that doesn't look broken lol.)

Those clothes look good. Smile

I was fiddling with making a long dress, but it isn't finished. Looks like it won't fit in thematically with your other clothing textures though. Oh well.

Kathy the dress would work if it was for a women's swim team from the 1880s

bare_elf wrote:

Kathy the dress would work if it was for a women's swim team from the 1880s

For a swimming costume, I think I would have to shorten the skirt a little, even if it would expose more ankle. I know, shocking. Wink

No Miss Elf, I was just looking at the people in the water and thinking about swimming. So my mind goes blank sometimes (often). Don't judge me!!


Bam! New release! Cool

Empire of Stars v0.3: A Utraean Utopia

Some teasers:

Arriving on Betelgeuse in the Utraean village of Palim Palim - where we find Aunt Luna

The Flower Forest

Main enemies: Mucosa

The Elder of the Lake, from whom we get some answers and also the Aranna Starstone

Side region, for hunting etc: The impenetrable dense jungle of Vega

Enjoy playing Smile

Some nice new things right off the bat. seems like more beach monsters too.
Smile Happy Dance

Oh yeah forgot to mention, I finally managed to make black water for Lake Chalice at the beginning, tho with the dense fog it looks half as good lol. And I've put some more of the black snappers on the beaches, seemed like a waste otherwise.
