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Monster Level Adjustment Mod

Hi fellow Siegers,

I have a question about this mod.
Is it possible to deactivate the max lvl 303 and skilllvl 300 that comes with this mod?
The readme says there a configure options for this mod too, but both links to a description are broken.
Would be nice if someone provide me with those options.

Thanks for replies!

Ulyaoth wrote:

Hi fellow Siegers,

I have a question about this mod.
Is it possible to deactivate the max lvl 303 and skilllvl 300 that comes with this mod?
The readme says there a configure options for this mod too, but both links to a description are broken.
Would be nice if someone provide me with those options.

Thanks for replies!

Since the mod is mostly KillerGremal's creation I suggest you PM him with your questions. Elf

There is no support for level 300 currently/anymore in the recent MonsterLevel Adjusment Mod releases.

It was an interesting idea and for some time there were corresponding mod releases (some may still float around on the web) but several handicaps popped up, e.g. from where (new) item content comes from or that in-game formulae get pretty extreme with a level 300 exponent - and tuning this all didn't seem to be that feasible concerning the work afford or probable/unwanted impact on existing savegames... Shock

If you're talking about Level Adjustment Mod, Beta 5v from your website, I tested it out and still lvl 303.
I used the instant xp mod submitted by volkan and boom!
One hit and lvl 303 and 300 melee skill!
If I use the instant xp mod without your Adjust mod only lvl 100.
And I have used no other mods since a fresh install of DS2 BW, except for the legendary mod.

Yes you're pointing out the problem.
No more items only via mods and those are too op. Even with 200% Monster Difficulty its way to easy.

@Ulyaoth: While 'super high' levels are not actively supported (...not tried to be actively supported) anymore, indeed the MonsterLevel Adjustment mod has no restriction to level 100.
Usually the normal ways to gain another level around level 100 is rather slow, it did not really matter at all so far, and nobody complained about being e.g. level 102 and that this would be bad...

Specially to avoid mod compatibility conflicts some tables and formulae 'passively' still must go beyond 100. For example Hotfix mod but also Succubus mod both allow to reach a level (a bit) higher than 100. There was also an approach too to go for a level 150 limit as in DS1 (not sure what became of it), and some other approaches even went above that...

So if you want to mix the MonsterLevel Adjustment mod with any other mod that (doubtfully?) kicks your party members instantly to level 300 - simple suggestion would be, get your party to level 100 (...anyhow), and install then/afterwards the MonsterLevel Adjustment mod 'in exchange' for that other mod.

I realized how important your mod is for me. Tried to play without it until there is some fix to limit it to lvl 100.
But the mod even works as a monster respawner. Tried the first section of LoA to realize map stays empty... And the first elite Spider was lvl 22...
The instant level up mod was only for testing purpose.
The point what scared me off to go over the 100 was, if I play all maps on all difficulties I go far beyond the 100,
exept there is a limitation to max lvl adjustment for the mobs.
I recognized it first, when I did a playthroung in LoA, KoE and nearly finished UP (in this order) on the first difficulty without touching any other map.
I was already around lvl 105 so my guess is, if I get stronger, monsters do as well, so more exp equals higher level outcome.
And if I understand the special items system from Legendary Mod, all special items drop equal your uber level.
So if I go over 100 the item becomes uselees, because on reload itemlvl gets a reset. And this valids even for random generated drops.
That means in the very very long run I need to remove MLAM to not go over the 100 but the maps stay empty because no more respawn.
I hope you tell me there is a max lvl limit for mobs.
The best outcome would be me caped at lvl 100 and all mobs are lvl 100 or above in the end.
But thanks for the reply anyway.

MfG, Uly