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Windowed mode

Hello, i need some help. I can't seem to get DS2 in Windowed mode i did everything I could fullscreen=false width = 1280 height = 1024 and in game i get this and when i low my desktp res the game crashes even if i change it to fullscreen=false width = 1024 height = 768

Try using the option in Elys' DS2 Succubus Manager, it should have the option for window mode. If you don't have it, you can get it here

I get the same message : You cannot run DS2 in a resolution (1280x1024) higher than your desktop...... but my native desktop resolution is 1280x1024 i dont understand...

@Lucifer1978: If your screen resolution is 1280x1024 you can not run DS2 in a window of 1280x1024 because such a window plus the surrounding window frame would be great than 1280x1024 finally (as the screen-shot points to).

So the window you would like to have must be smaller than your screen resolution, try 1152x864 or 1024x768 once. Otherwise run DS2 in the full-screen mode and use your standard screen resolution also for DS2.