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Dungeon Siege Adepts 2 for Broken World

Some of us here at Siegetheday have been working on making an anime version of Dungeon Siege 2 like Dungeon Siege Adepts. This has been made possible by the recent release of the Cat Mansion Boys mod by AlphaDD which ports the models made by Hamcat, back around 2003 for the original dungeon siege, into DS2. This completes the set since the Girls were released in 2011 by DDlullu (AlphaDD former avatar).

An Beta version has just been completed which converts all of the npcs in DS2 and Broken World into Cat Mansion people (including the half-giants and dwarves).

Landing at Greilyn Beach

Assault of Greilyn

Amren deciding whether or not to skewer our hero

Amren talking with Celia

Recruiting Deru


Not just a partial conversion replacing all the npcs in the game with Cat Mansion models, DS2BW Adepts is also the largest compilation of mods and new art available for Dungeon Siege 2 with over 1500 new character and npc skins, armor, weapons, spells and gameplay changes from some of the best modders from DS2/DS1 (a lot of DS1 content from 3rd party modders, publically available artpacks, Yesterhaven and Return to Arhok, etc) such as Hamcat, AlphaDD (DDlullu), Phoenix (Volkan), Darkelf, KillerGremal, Theresnothinglft, Lurker, Omniscient_Colossus, Ikkyo and of course GPG themselves. Over 30 mods are incorporated into DS2BW Adepts.

You also have more freedom in playing the campaigns. You have full access to Acts 2 and 3 once you have been cured of the plague in DS2 and in Broken World you can access Part Two straight away if you wish. Note that this really needs the Level Adjustment Mod installed to be viable.

There's also a new town and associated quest needed to unlock it in DS2.

There are two versions of the Mod. A custom folder version which is 166Mb download and requires 876Mb to create the custom folder installation of DS2BW Adepts and a basic version which is a 156Mb download and requires 247Mb to install in your Dungeon Siege 2 Broken World Folder.

Both versions at this stage require the Broken World expansion for Dungeon Siege 2. They are also not very compatible with other mods.

If you choose to install the basic version you will have to manage the conflicts with other mods yourself, saved games will be mixed up with regular saves and there'll be no custom presaves to play Broken World straight away.

*Custom folder version (166Mb download, 876Mb uncompressed).

*Separate Modules. (245MB) (11.2Mb)

*Aranna Legacy Compatible version (11.2MB)
Requires DS2BW_Adepts_Resources_Beta_1h.ds2res or DS2BW_Adepts_Resources_Beta1x.ds2res

Elys DS2 Broken World All*Saves is required to launch the mod.
or DS2 Succubus Manager (with Load Succubus Modlet turned off)
Note that both installers include options for installing the Broken World All*Saves launcher

*Readme (full of useful information)

The mod is ideally designed to be played with the Monster Level Adjustment Mod but will function quite happily without it (though certain features will be limited).

Thanks to Techiem2 for hosting the files to spare us having to go through Mediafire.

Remember that this is a Beta and as such is mostly feature complete and stable but expect some imbalances in weapons, armor and spells. Suggestions, bug reports, fixes, new skins, etc very much welcomed.

Darkelf wrote:
iryan wrote:
Darkelf wrote:
since the buster sword has an ammo template that means its a ranged melee sword so it could indeed have 10 meters

It wasn't my intent for that to happen but you're right as it is based on Cloud's sword in Final Fantasy VII.

I was under the impression, its a combat mage's melee sword, maybe the ammo isn't casting I dunno, but yeah sword wise melee range would be 1 meter, but heck that's a Final Fantasy sword, magic does wonders and this is a game of fantasy where anything can and will happen. to be honest I not sure how many inches are in a meter, but would think a large sword would have more meters than a short sword, never did understand that in this game.

A ranged sword, giggle, and people tell me I am off when I make a bow with a range of 30 meters. that is 1181 inches DarkElf. Oh that's right this is a fantasy and I am thinking reality oh woops.

The resurrection Statue at the farm house is a great addition, thank you for that Iryan,

However it is missing in Adepts. I know you have not had time to update Adepts, and it is not really important, as I am busy trying to help KathyCF find the Silly Half-Giants in Legends of Utrae 3.2. I must say they are very well hidden! I knew where they where once upon a time!.


bare_elf wrote:
The resurrection Statue at the farm house is a great addition, thank you for that Iryan,

However it is missing in Adepts. I know you have not had time to update Adepts, and it is not really important, as I am busy trying to help KathyCF find the Silly Half-Giants in Legends of Utrae 3.2. I must say they are very well hidden! I knew where they where once upon a time!.


I'm glad you think it's a good addition and thank you for your patience with Adepts. It will be added plus hopefully some nice additions like a region extending from the Broken Bridge on the way to the Crypts as secret bonuses. During my latest playthrough I noticed several such places which could be expanded like the broken bridge with the sign pointing to Bonepicker's Post for example, which is very much like the one on the way to the Crypts.

iryan wrote:
. . . like a region extending from the Broken Bridge on the way to the Crypts as secret bonuses. During my latest playthrough I noticed several such places which could be expanded like the broken bridge with the sign pointing to Bonepicker's Post for example, which is very much like the one on the way to the Crypts.
The last time we talked about that such a region I wondered what shape it should have so I sticked the adjacent regions (path2crypts + cr_r1 + fh_r3) together in the SE2 (the radar images would have worked too but I distrusted what I saw).

The screen-shot is actually a bit older, based on the Beta 26 files. I also left some notations on the screen-shot because it's a good example that GPG made (DS1) maps where the 'jigsaw pieces' (=> the regions) don't really fit. Just take a look at this 'overlapping zone' - and while this spatial distortion doesn't seem to bother in DS1, it may disturb the radar in DS2.

Very interesting, thanks for the information and image. In real world terms any path to Stonebridge taken over the broken bridge would obviously be a lot longer than going through the Crypts and the path to the Crypts should be the shortest of all!

Certainly there are a few areas where the regions overlap in the GPG maps. I don't know whether GPG would have even known about this as there was no such thing as the radar in DS1. God knows what a stitched together image of the regions in the Utraean Peninsula would look like as even the official map of the peninsula doesn't make sense in some places due to the placement of the regions and dungeons.

On a side note I'm having problems with the radar in Arhok in LOA. The jerkiness isn't being caused by directional issues rather by corruption of the map radar and maybe the region itself. If you look closely you can see overlapping of the Arhok radar by other parts of Arhok! For example stand near the teleporter and you can see blue dots off the defined area of Arhok in the black area (I'll have to post an image of it). Trying to rebuild the radar in the Editor also fails and using any such radar files causes the game to crash with an out of memory error. Examining the resultant radar files reveals that radar.gas is truncated.

Iryan, A little while back I posted a screenshot from the Arhok Teleporter over in Legends. The Radar map seems to be showing part of The Caves of the Lost from near that teleporter


iryan wrote:
. . .
On a side note I'm having problems with the radar in Arhok in LOA. The jerkiness isn't being caused by directional issues rather by corruption of the map radar and maybe the region itself. If you look closely you can see overlapping of the Arhok radar by other parts of Arhok! For example stand near the teleporter and you can see blue dots off the defined area of Arhok in the black area (I'll have to post an image of it). Trying to rebuild the radar in the Editor also fails and using any such radar files causes the game to crash with an out of memory error. Examining the resultant radar files reveals that radar.gas is truncated.
Hm, perhaps you (simply) need to restitch the radar images!? - Although manual post-tunings may be lost then (like manually destitched images at a cave entrance).
There also could be something wrong with the LNC file, in Beta 27 the nodes.gas is older than the LNC, that's rather unusual.

But since the matter seems to be connected to one single node near the teleporter, did you try to replace this node?
I hope you don't need to maintain its GUID, however there would be at least two procedures to keep it if really needed for some reasons.

You also could force the SE2 to rebuild the LNC file, perhaps this will help too. I think there is even an option to request this then selecting/opening the region.
In this case I personally prefer deleting the LNC file manually (and all dir.lq* files) before opening the region - just to be sure nothing from the old LNC is ported over to the new one.

Remind maybe, rebuilding the LNC file will erease the locked lighting calculations (at Arhork there are such nodes towards the lake area), so you had to re-apply this manually again to get a soft transition - this could be tricky (actually I never managed this completely on RtA).
There is also a hole in the current radar image(s), if you don't want to redraw it, set node section/level/object data like 90/1/1 for the affected node to generate a single radar images to fill that hole.

iryan wrote:
In real world terms any path to Stonebridge taken over the broken bridge would obviously be a lot longer than going through the Crypts and the path to the Crypts should be the shortest of all!

Stonebridge has no bridge. Stonebridge has no river. (That's OK, it was named after a man, and whatever bridge he was named after was hundreds of miles away.) So if you could cross the broken bridge then where does the river beneath it go, and wouldn't you be on the wrong side of it for getting to Stonebridge?

iryan wrote:
Certainly there are a few areas where the regions overlap in the GPG maps. I don't know whether GPG would have even known about this as there was no such thing as the radar in DS1. God knows what a stitched together image of the regions in the Utraean Peninsula would look like as even the official map of the peninsula doesn't make sense in some places due to the placement of the regions and dungeons.

Start from Elddim. Take the direct route south to Crystwind. You can easily prove that Crystwind is at a higher altitude than Elddim.

Start from Elddim. Take the scenic route to Crystwind (follow the river downstream, descend the lift at Iliarth Divide, continue besides the river until a lift up, then walk north). You can easily prove that Crystwind is at a lower altitude than Elddim.


RSimpkinuk57 wrote:

Start from Elddim. Take the direct route south to Crystwind. You can easily prove that Crystwind is at a higher altitude than Elddim.

Start from Elddim. Take the scenic route to Crystwind (follow the river downstream, descend the lift at Iliarth Divide, continue besides the river until a lift up, then walk north). You can easily prove that Crystwind is at a lower altitude than Elddim.


RSimpkinuk57, please respect the rules of the forum and treat other posters as you would want to be treated. In other words, "duh" is rude. Thanks, Kathy

kathycf wrote:
RSimpkinuk57 wrote:

Start from Elddim. Take the direct route south to Crystwind. You can easily prove that Crystwind is at a higher altitude than Elddim.

Start from Elddim. Take the scenic route to Crystwind (follow the river downstream, descend the lift at Iliarth Divide, continue besides the river until a lift up, then walk north). You can easily prove that Crystwind is at a lower altitude than Elddim.


RSimpkinuk57, please respect the rules of the forum and treat other posters as you would want to be treated. In other words, "duh" is rude. Thanks, Kathy

RSimpkinuk57 Have you read the rules to the site? Because under POSTING you will find:
1. Be polite.
Keep the tone toward others civilised. You may have a differing opinion and voice it, but don't be disrespectful as you do so. And provide arguments.
When you provide arguments to your differing opinion keep those comments respectful as well.

If you had read all of the posts related to the broken bridge and the thin forest you would I am sure have understood that this was a discussion about the broken bridge prior to the crypts and the path on the other side of said bridge when it is repaired and therefore an alternate route around the Crypts.

I will in this case defer to Kathy and not delete your account. However be assured any additional rule violation will get your account removed without any additional comment from me.


No disrespect intended to anyone here. Apologies to GPG for a bad way of concluding I agree with Iryan's secondary point that the geography/geometry of their original Utraean Peninsular map, specifically, presents problems.

Yes I did understand the primary point was an alternative route around the Crypts in Ehb. Going to the Crpyts you leave the broken bridge to your left and reach Stonebridge afterwards without ever crossing a river. (Or have I forgotten one besides the Krug camp on the beach?). There is a river under the broken bridge, isn't there? I certainly remember a waterfall just before it. So anyone designing the missing route might like to either show a re-crossing of the river, or invent an explanation why none is needed.

Metaseal's picture

Guten Tag

may I ask you if you happend to known how to improve my horrible FPS in game? In the main menu I have 75, in game in Eirulan transporter 30 and in game 12.

Metaseal wrote:
Guten Tag

may I ask you if you happend to known how to improve my horrible FPS in game? In the main menu I have 75, in game in Eirulan transporter 30 and in game 12.

This question has been answered several times. In each case it was solved or somewhat solved. But to do so we need to know
what version of windows
What CPU your processor is running and how many cores are active.
What video card.

Metaseal's picture

bare_elf wrote:
Metaseal wrote:
Guten Tag

may I ask you if you happend to known how to improve my horrible FPS in game? In the main menu I have 75, in game in Eirulan transporter 30 and in game 12.

This question has been answered several times. In each case it was solved or somewhat solved. But to do so we need to know
what version of windows
What CPU your processor is running and how many cores are active.
What video card.

Guten Tag

I'm sorry. I forgot to post my specifications...

Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit SP1
AMD Athlon II X4 641
8,00GB DDR3 @ 799MHz (9-9-9-24)
ASUSTeK Computer INC. F1A75-V (FM1 )
1024MBATI AMD Radeon HD 6700 Series (Sapphire/PCPartner)

If you need more data, please tell me.

Metaseal wrote:
bare_elf wrote:
Metaseal wrote:
Guten Tag

may I ask you if you happend to known how to improve my horrible FPS in game? In the main menu I have 75, in game in Eirulan transporter 30 and in game 12.

This question has been answered several times. In each case it was solved or somewhat solved. But to do so we need to know
what version of windows
What CPU your processor is running and how many cores are active.
What video card.

Guten Tag

I'm sorry. I forgot to post my specifications...

Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit SP1
AMD Athlon II X4 641
8,00GB DDR3 @ 799MHz (9-9-9-24)
ASUSTeK Computer INC. F1A75-V (FM1 )
1024MBATI AMD Radeon HD 6700 Series (Sapphire/PCPartner)

If you need more data, please tell me.

I know this sounds a bit weird but trust me it does improve frame rate. You must remember that when All versions of Dungeon Siege where released to the world, There where only single core processors and video cards with limited ability. Most of what happens in Dungeon Siege 1 and 2 is handled by the CPU not the GPU.
Running the game on only one core has improved frame rate for many people. I know I told you it will sound stupid, but try it.

This is how you do it.

Start DS2

Then Open Task Manager

Go to the processes tab and find the process you want to to run on just 1 core, dungeonsiege.exe for example, right click the process and select Set Affinity. You will see a dialogue box saying "The Processor Affinity settings controls which CPUs the process will be allowed to execute on."

With core4 you should see five checkboxes with all the boxes checked, unclick all the boxes except core0

Hope this helps, or at least points you in the right direction.

If anyone knows of an easier way to do this please post as this isn't an ideal way of doing it and i believe there must be a better way.

Elf Let me know what happens.

Metaseal's picture

Guten Tag

unfortunately nothing has change. I still have 75 fps, 30 in Eirulan's teleporter and 15-12 in game.
I will ask in Steam. May be they known something...

Vielen dank

Try to disable Steam overlay or if you have any other overlay software (Razer Game Booster and other..)

Hi i juste discovered this dg2 mode that i really like but i cant speak with taar n other playable character can som1 help me? They are unclikable :/

Migz wrote:
Hi i juste discovered this dg2 mode that i really like but i cant speak with taar n other playable character can som1 help me? They are unclikable :/


Hello and Welcome. So that people other than staff can read your posts please register on the site. Then please provide more information so we can help you.
1. what version of windows?
2. Do you have both Dungeon Siege 2 and Broken World installed?
3. Is Dungeon Siege 2 patched to version 2.2?
4. Is your problem with DS2 Adepts since you posted your comment here, in my blog on an unrelated topic and attached to a mod in the ds1 folder?
I removed the ones that appeared to be unrelated like my blog and a ds1 weapons mod which has no characters in it.
5. Did you use the custom directory installer or the standard installer?
6. What other mods do you have installed both in your DS2 resources directory and your broken world directory, as some will conflict with the adepts mod.
7. What map where you attempting to play that would not let you click on a selectable party member?

Please remember to post your comments in the directory where the map or mod you are having trouble with instead of randomly.
Please remember to register with the site so that people other than the staff and yourself can see the posts you write.
Please remember to read the site rules.

We are here to help if you answer the above questions.

Thank you and welcome on board

I just checked my two systems and I do not have the problems you reported in the download area?

DrakeIsGod wrote:
Just started using this mod, I noticed that the skin for the male CatHuman is glitched and nothing else can be selected. Also the male CatElf only has a blue skin with nothing else to select. Am I missing something? My brother is really interested in the anime aspect of this mod.

If you are still having issues. This is important:
*Requirements / Compatibility

- Dungeon Siege 2 Broken World
- Elys' All*Saves for BW or Succubus Manager is also a requirement.
- Level Adjustment Mod Highly recommended but not essential
- This mod won't be very friendly to many other mods, especially any that change starting characters, npcs or gameplay mechanics like Succubus modlet or Aranna Legacy

There are several mods that are already a part of Adepts and if you have them installed it could cause problems or be a major waist of space.

As you can see this was a community project that is still moving forward.
From modders still active, modders no longer active, and some modders that may be dead. LONG LIVE THE OLD GUARD!
..........................: - GasPowered Games (for all original content)
..........................: - Hamcat (for the original Cat Mansion Models, armor and skins)
..........................: - DDlullu/AlphaDD (for converting the Cat Mansion Models and skins to DS2)
..........................: - Bare_elf (for testing/new skins, weapons, etc)
..........................: - PhoeniX (some art assets, armor, weapons, etc)
..........................: - KillerGremal (for monster level adjustment mod and some ui cosmetics)
..........................: - Darkelf (for some of the new spells)
..........................: - Francisco 'Omniscient_Colossus' Athens & Jason 'Ikkyo' Gripp (Dungeon Siege Revived)
..........................: - Theresnothinglft (new weapons)
..........................: - Lurker(Eddie Wang)- (new weapons/spells)
..........................: - Iarus and WnxWanderer2k
..........................: - Azrus Revell (Einlanzer mod)
..........................: - Gametoast (throwing spears)
..........................: - Rezzie (6 slots for mercenary and veteran)
..........................: - Omicrom (ring removal)
..........................: - Elys (for the allsaves bw mod which made this mod possible)
..........................: - Lady Femme (ai)
..........................: - KathCF (art)
..........................: - Mcarp (new models)
..........................: - Freakcandy (Zaramoth sword)
..........................: - Csimbi (Enchanters mod)

The priority of Adepts is also the highest that the game will support, so it can and will mess up lower priority mods.

Let me Know if you still have issues with the creating a character and also let me know what mods other than Adepts and DS1 Legendary Mod you are using. At some point Iryan and I will add the 4 third party maps to what maps Adepts supports. Currently it supports all of the map that are part of the legendary mod, and the DS2 and Broken World Maps. Note if you did not use the custom folder installer for Adepts and for some reason put the mod in with the DS2 resources instead of the BW resources you will have major issues.

I was having an issue, but it was because of the DS1_Mod_BW_Playable_Utraeans.ds2res and the More hair mod. I'm using the custom folder version of Adepts, which I love by the way Smile I came here shortly after installing the latest version of Adepts and figured things out, I use no other mods aside from the DS1 Legendary Mod and inventory mods.

DrakeIsGod wrote:
I was having an issue, but it was because of the DS1_Mod_BW_Playable_Utraeans.ds2res and the More hair mod. I'm using the custom folder version of Adepts, which I love by the way Smile I came here shortly after installing the latest version of Adepts and figured things out, I use no other mods aside from the DS1 Legendary Mod and inventory mods.

That's because character mods will generally conflict with other character mods unless effort have been taken to make them compatible.

Adepts is a character mod itself but so are the DS1_Mod_BW_Playable_Utraeans and the More hair mod.

Incidentally I've started on a mod compatibility list that others can contribute to in your Recommended DS2 Mods thread.

They are unclickable because you don't use the monster_level_adjustment ds2res. You see one command is missing from that mod. A command use in the hired flick, it is call PostMessageDataDelay and it is in flick_function_killergremal_v2_add2.gas.

So if you are like me and don't like the monster_level_adjustment for DS2 and BW, you will encounter the no clickable character for hired. Now the simplest way to overcome this is using the monster level and when you come near your stash click the button on the side of it. That will deactivate the monster_level_adjustment.

You can also wait for a patch from Iryan too. Wink

iryan wrote:

That's because character mods will generally conflict with other character mods unless effort have been taken to make them compatible.

Adepts is a character mod itself but so are the DS1_Mod_BW_Playable_Utraeans and the More hair mod.

Incidentally I've started on a mod compatibility list that others can contribute to in your Recommended DS2 Mods thread.

That's amazing! I'll certainly contribute where I can, I got a lot of mods to download lol

AlphaDD wrote:
They are unclickable because you don't use the monster_level_adjustment ds2res. You see one command is missing from that mod. A command use in the hired flick, it is call PostMessageDataDelay and it is in flick_function_killergremal_v2_add2.gas.

So if you are like me and don't like the monster_level_adjustment for DS2 and BW, you will encounter the no clickable character for hired. Now the simplest way to overcome this is using the monster level and when you come near your stash click the button on the side of it. That will deactivate the monster_level_adjustment.

You can also wait for a patch from Iryan too. Wink

Well, I can understand the critics on automatically levelling monsters, however to face this the LevelAdjustment mod is not active usually on any custom or official maps - expect of the Erthos Struggle map.

There would be a specially option for your DS ini file to activate it, but usually custom maps request its activation by a special map table - but this only should affect the corrsponding map, no other maps else.
And finally, even if activated, there should be a button on the side of stash to deactive this mod in-game (of course this may be a bit painful to do it each time).
I should rethink about a better way to provide the Rune of Mending...

Another way to provide the missing flick functions is installing the my content pack for Utrea. Also this mod doesn't affect the gameplay on the official maps.


By the way, PostMessageDataDelay is replacment for the PostMessage function where a v2.2<==>v2.3/addon conflict may happen when 3 or 4 parameters are used. With 2 parameters only there should no problem using PostMessage, regardless if v2.2 or the addon are used.

I have played Adepts with the level adjustment mod installed, not installed and turned off by the button on the side of the yellow trunks. I have never had an issue with hiring characters. However I have never attempted to run Adepts without The DS1 Legendary Mod installed. Now it should be noted that
because of this I have all the mods noted in the forum Utraean Seizure of hopless Mapping so it does include content pack for Utrea. I will have to try disabling it to see what occurs. To me playing Adepts on just the DS2 and broken world maps is a bit pointless. It works way better with the DS1 Maps.


Alas, the first thing I thought I'd experience with Adepts is the DS2 map..I must say, WOW! This is a brilliant mod.. I love the tutorial on the beach, really made much better use of Drevin Smile I noticed a few oddities though I thought I'd show ya:

These 3 characters in the tutorial probably mean to just say DRAG lol

When you get the key for the Kohl Beast cages, nothing shows up in Quest Items

Also tried taking screenshots in game with "Prt Sc" on the keyboard but the screenshots are nowhere to be found, not even in the directory Adepts is installed in, so I used good ole' Fraps. Thought I'd show one more screenshot though of the level up animation over the training dummies heads:

This is only affected by the Monster Level Adjustment mod, just thought I'd clear the ice with that. The only level up animation that is noticeably affected is the Ranged icon, the Melee icon doesn't look affected at all, but the Combat magic and Nature magic icons are slightly affected as I've noticed

DrakeIsGod wrote:
. . .

This is only affected by the Monster Level Adjustment mod, just thought I'd clear the ice with that. The only level up animation that is noticeably affected is the Ranged icon, the Melee icon doesn't look affected at all, but the Combat magic and Nature magic icons are slightly affected as I've noticed

I would be really surprised if the LevelAdjustment mod is causing this matter.
It rather looks like as if the DS1 models are used with textures of DS2 or vice-versa (identical file names, but different shape/look)...

So please retest this once without having the LevelAdjustment mod installed.

The screen shots for Adepts if you used the custom folder install and put it on C drive should be here. c:/games/adepts/screen_shots. it is in the various installs I did. It is not located in the my documents folder. Note I have installed the mod on win xp, win 7 and win 8. it is installed in the same place using the custom folder install. i even have a custom folder install on a removable USB drive. since it keeps the saves, screen shots and game in the same folder.

The start at the beach of DS2 the dummies for melee, ranged, cmage and nmage do not appear to work any different with or without the level adjustment mod or with or without adepts being installed.

I would recommend that you turn off all mods not related to Adepts, DS1 Legendary Mod, and Level Adjustment Mod and try again.

