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A game called Insult PAM

Just thought I would introduce a little game for folks who might like games. One has to insult the person who goes before you (the Person Above Me or PAM). However this is not a free for all. There are some rules to this game.

Do not say anything that would be considered vulgar, or mean or spiteful.
Make your insults silly and farce-like, and/or farfetched and ridiculous.
Do not hijack this game for having a fight with someone. If you are angry about something use the PM system or complain to a mod (also via PM)
Do not swear, or otherwise violate forum rules.

example: if the PAM was in fact me, I would say something like...
The PAM chews gum and then leaves little pieces under seats all over town. Or
The PAM has a diet consisting solely of licorice, artichoke and peanutbutter sandwiches.

Get the drift? Ok PBM (person below me) sock it to me! Laughing out loud

Remember now, play nice or you get whacked with a newspaper!

Sharkull's picture

The PAM likes to collect belly-button lint, and toe-jam...


Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

Sharkull wrote:
The PAM likes to collect belly-button lint, and toe-jam...


The PAM who is bald, using large amounts of lint to make a curly wig that Kat would be proud of. Laughing out loud

the Pam cordially invites strangers to "pull his finger" ...

I am unclear why, but I assume for some dark nefarious reason. 8O :P Wink

The PAM who's Avatar looks like it took drugs Shock

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

Reaper wrote:
The PAM who's Avatar looks like it took drugs Shock

The PAM who hates animated signatures! Crazy

The PAM makes artistic sculptures out of blocks of salami.

Loup_Ombrage's picture

The PAM eats deoderant soap :P

The PAM has a cute and cuddly pet...Clarrisa, the Cockroach. the PAM raised her from a wiggling little larvae to the enterprising roach she is today.

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

Pameth Maximus! :P

Arman's picture

The sPAM hater :P

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

PAM goes the weasel! Laughing out loud

LoneKnight's picture

the PAM plots to destroy earth...

The PAM belch-sings the alphabet...

Loup_Ombrage's picture

The PAM whistles the entire Moulin Rouge soundtrack :P

LoneKnight's picture

The PAM eats rotten food.

Two favorite books of the PAM:

Let's Watch Paint Dry!
The Joy of Mayonnaise

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

The PAM who is the author of 1001 ways to insult PAM. Laughing out loud

Templarian Arch Sorcerer wrote:
The PAM who is the author of 1001 ways to insult PAM. Laughing out loud

You know it! Wink

The PAM has a steady diet of garlic, licorice and and sardine sandwiches served on banana bread. Tasty....

LoneKnight's picture

PAM eats dead people and people not yet dead!

LoneKnight wrote:
PAM eats dead people and people not yet dead!

How did you ever guess!! 8O :P

The PAM bears an uncanny resemblence to Spong Bob Squarepants.

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

kathycf wrote:
LoneKnight wrote:
PAM eats dead people and people not yet dead!

How did you ever guess!! 8O :P

The PAM bears an uncanny resemblence to Spong Bob Squarepants.

The PAM who owns a pet Giant Fire Beetle which she loves to feed large blocks of wood. :P

Sharkull's picture

The PAM wears biker shorts with knee-high white socks and sandals... loving the look. :P

The PAM thinks the words "asterick", "asparagus" and "asp" are all mildly vulgar slang terms for one's posterior. Silly PAM!

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

kathycf wrote:
The PAM thinks the words "asterick", "asparagus" and "asp" are all mildly vulgar slang terms for one's posterior. Silly PAM!

PAM the smily face! :P

Templarian Arch Sorcerer wrote:
PAM the smily face! :P

Person Above Me the smily face? PAM, that doesn't seem like an insult, smileys are nice!

The PAM chews his nails...his toenails. 8O

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

The PAM who likes to chew on her hair, which is down to the floor. How it ever drys, we shall never know. She puts it in curlers, 600 in all, and then she braids the hair of her doll. Laughing out loud Laughing out loud

The PAM raids spider webs for snack food. :P

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

kathycf wrote:
The PAM raids spider webs for snack food. :P

The PAM who raids spider webs for the spiders, which she loves to eat in soup. :yankchain: :tease:

Loup_Ombrage's picture

The PAM prefers to eat "animals" that are small and have very many legs.

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

PAM the were-wolf who loves to drink goblets full of Giant Fire Beetle venom. (must be spicy :P )
