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o_O No one has started this yet? The board's been on for *checks watch* 5 or so hours! What's with this world?

Thanks to Wizardo55 for the last SiegeTheDay one!

Well, now, who wants to start *in announcer voice* ANOTHER QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS BOARD? Cool (that was a question BTW)

Re: KMD's question , Who here still watches cartoons?
I do as well, and I also like the Simpsons (have been a fan since waaayy back) Futurama, Family Guy and Robot Chicken.

Re: Loup_Ombrage's question ,What is your most fondly remembered cartoon show?
Looney Tunes! Bugs Bunny rules! I mean the real Bugs, the cartoons from the 1940's and the like, not the post Mel Blanc Bugs.

Q.) Soy burger or beef burger?

(Garden Burger brand veggie burgers are quite good.)

Gimme a big ol chunk of decapitated ground up dead critter

If a vegitarian lived with a cajun would he starve to death or would he go insane from the mouth watering scent of heaven on a plate?

KMD: If a vegitarian lived with a cajun would he starve to death or would he go insane from the mouth watering scent of heaven on a plate?

The vegetarian was already kooky, force fed the cajun massive amounts of soy burgers and broccoli and ended up in a hospital for the criminally insane. True story. Smile

Q.) Who has a tattoo?

(me...I have 2 on each ankle , a celtic symbol and a dragonfly.)

A: I think KMD has a few tatoos.

Q: What is your greatest fear?

That my daughter will get hurt and want her daddy to save her and i cant (that doiesnt scare me it freeking terrifies me)

I have 6 ranging from wow thats kinda big to OMG ITS FREEKING HUGE!!

{backs Huge 2 tatts and the smallest is as small as a dinner plate the largest goes from Hip to Shoulder and across the spine

whats your next tatt gonna be? if you dont have one whats your first gonna be? and if youll never have one why?

KMD :whats your next tatt gonna be?

I am gonna squeak in and answer this , :2cents: but I think the question is open-ended enough that others can answer as well...When I have a little extra money my next tattoo is going to be another Celtic symbol and is going to go on my inner left ankle ( the other 2 are on the outside parts of my ankles.)

I am assuming everyone knows the dreary boring answer to this question, so please think up something different! Smile
Q .) Why did the chicken REALLY cross the road???

Loup_Ombrage's picture

Because it thought it was a sheep Smile

Llamas or emus?

Neather Alpacas
Theyr like a tiny LLama without the spitting

How come when a Llama spits on you its hillarity but if i did it its assault?

This is from the Alpaca website:

Ends April 15, 2006 at 9:00am EDT
Purchase alpacas from the comfort of your home.

Dude, yer getting an alpaca...

To answer the question, I can't think of any instance where being spit on would be fun Laughing out loud but maybe the llama is cuter? Wink

Q.) Knock knock...who's there?

shadow smile's picture

A monkey with..... Add on

Sharkull's picture

shadow smile wrote:
A monkey with..... Add on

If you want to start an "endless story" thread, then feel free to do so... but this is a Q&A.

Q.) Knock knock...who's there?

Les... Les Who? ... Les hear another knock knock joke.

Knock knock...who's there?

A.) The interrupting cow. the interrupting cow, wh...MOO!

Q.) Why is 6 afraid of 7?

Sharkull's picture

Because 7 always follows 6...

What's your happiest recent memory?

heh, that is not the answer I was never occured to me that 7 was kind of a stalker of 6. I thought someone would say " because 7 8 9" (seven ate nine) My most recent happy memory is from earlier tonight when I visited my friend and her 3 1/2 year old daughter. We played "Candy Land" and I got told "I love you" by little miss Ava. Smile

What is your earliest memory?

Sharkull wrote:
Because 7 always follows 6...

What's your happiest recent memory?

Loup_Ombrage's picture

Ooooh.. thats a hard one, my early memories aren't in chronological order... theres once when I was asking my Mum how old I was, the time when my elbow popped out of it's socket, a few memories of kindergarten... thats about it.

What was your worst injury?

Arman's picture

A) Hmm, I think it was when I got a rusted iron nail in my left-hand, and when it later got infected. I've never broken anything or so, so I don't have many serious injury's.

As to the question of the earliest memory, I have one of where I'm about 1 or 2 years old, and that I'm sitting in a large plastic toy-truck while being at my grandma's house (don't know how I could ever remember that, though :? ).

Q) What's your worst memory?

shadow smile's picture

A): Cut off entire thumb with pocket knife when I was 8. Didnt notice until I saw my thumb next to my shoe. Its attached again( thank god 4 that)

Q): What was your weirdiest moment

One of my worst memories was also one of my weirdest. I lost control of my car on some ice and snow coming down a hill in a residential neighborhood. My car slammed into a telelphone pole (also used to provide cable) at 35 mile ph, head on. All I really remember is that people came out and saying stuff like "I hope my cable isn't out , I gotta watch blah blah blah" My ex-husband was called to the scene and he was furious "she could have been killed and your worried about your tv"???!!! Yea, and that concussion wasn't too fun either, nor the broken hand. One of the defining moments on the path to misanthropy.

silly question time:

Do you prefer sweaters or sweatshirts?
I like pink angora sweaters, but I am surely more girly than than most of you. Wink

Loup_Ombrage's picture

Killing two birds with one stone:
What's the difference?


That is the difference between a sweater and a sweatshirt...some sweatshirts may be more sweaty, and some sweaters may be less dressy... Smile

What is your favorite salad dressing?

I Like my salad the same color as my balls Blue and im Cheesy HA

Blue Cheese or Roquefort

fave hot sauce?? (Mines Blairs sudden death )

fave hot sauce??

:o 8O :o

erm, none. Well, I like the spicy garlic sauce in one of my favorite Chinese food dishes.

Q.) What is your pet peeve?

I dont have a pet peeve i have a whole zoo of wild untamed peeves

How come juvinille humor is so damn funny?

Loup_Ombrage's picture

Because everyone has a juvenile deep down inside them :P

What is your desired job? (or current job if you're happy with it Smile )

Arman's picture

A) I've always wanted to be an archeologist, maybe even Egyptologist.

Q) What's your favorite game? (Besides DS, ofcourse.)

A)Empire Earth

Q)What's your favorite game system?

Q)What's your favorite game system?

Um, I am a nebbishy n00b and don't have one... :oops:

Star Trek fans: Who is your favorite ST charachter?
(I always kinda liked Data and Quark is amusing, too...especially the DS9 episode when he tempoarily turns into a dreaded FEMALE!! Smile silly Ferengi Smile )


Who secretly laughs at the fact that startreck sucks since they got rid of TNG to break from Gene Roddenberry?

Loup_Ombrage's picture

Since I don't watch Star Trek, I'll answer sm fairlie's question:

I'd have to say either the PS2 or the good ol' PC. I'll probably become a PS3 fan once its released. Depending on the games, of course.

What insturment do you play? (Vocal chords count as an instrument, if you don't play an instrument say one that you'd like to learn to play)

Hmmm...I sang in a school chorus from ages 10 to 13 and played the clarinet at approximately the same ages. I've dabbled in the guitar and I always wished I knew how to play the piano.

Ok, I love taking little on-line quizzes and playing trivia. Here is a quiz I took recently...

Q.) If you were a color, what color would you be?

Here are my colors! (yes, colors )
