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[DS1] Derelict Project

LoneKnight's picture

I already posted this at Siege Network, but it's posted here to reach more people.

In the effort to restore and repair the scars that DS2 left this community, a massive siegelet will soon be created. This siegelet will contain everything a good campaign needs - new nodes, music, characters, weapons, armor, monsters, ships (not stolen from Britannia, mind you ), ridable horses, ridable dragons, branched conversation system, and high quality audio NPC voices - a new in Dungeon Siege modding. We are also developing our own NPC scheduling system (not stolen from Britannia, mind you ).

A large group of modders has been assembled - over 20 - to create this siegelet. It has a long, compelling, and richly detailed story, and a world that will take weeks of gameplay to discover all of its hidden secrets.

You enter a new land, filled with beautiful locations and various peoples and races - each with their own military alignment and agendas.

Not only that, but your character now can take part in large scale battles that have many opponents and allies on both sides, yet it runs smoothly and without lagging.

Derelict is slated to be released in early summer of 2006.

*Derelict is a creation of Aesir Gaming - a soon-to-be gaming company made by your fellow Dungeon Siege community members.

If you have any questions comments, or suggestions, please feel free to state them here.

Huib Bloodstone's picture

Hmm i was hoping there was any improvement in this...

BTW how is conner ??

So ah, I ran across this while looking though past threads. Anyone know what happened with this? Was it ever released? It sounds really cool and if possible I’d like to open it up in the editor to see what was being done with the mapping.
