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Giovanna_del_Arco's blog

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture


I finally finished DS2BW in Merc (only took me about a month to start a new game in DS2, play through that, and convert my character and party to DS2BW and play through that). I find myself wanting more. So it's off to DS2 in Vet, but before I do that, does anyone know if the NPCs from DS2BW will still be in the inn when I get to DS2 Vet? And I saw something about DS2BW updating DS2 to 2.30, if you haven't already insalled the 2.20 patch. Does that mean that I need to uninstall DS2 and then reinstall it without the 2.20 patch in order to play DS2 using the BW disk and content?

But I also need to get back to my playtesting of Abstraction before I go into DS2 Veteran, if I can work out why I haven't been able to start a game in Abstraction lately. However, before I do anything else, I am going to bed.


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