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DS2 Mod development

Discuss modifications of DS2 here.

LoneKnight's picture


Hey guys, I'm just starting to get into the Dungeon Siege 2 Tool Kit. After some looking, I can only seem to find a 1.1 version. Is that the final version that GPG officially patched? Are there any other updated or patched versions, official or not?

Also, straying off the topic of this, has anyone been to the Dungeon Siege Wiki? It is particularly lacking in any information about tutorials. With all of the DS communities drying up, perhaps we should consider relocating tutorials to that site? Just a thought.

LoneKnight's picture

Greetings from an Old Friend

Hello, my old friends. It has been years since I was last here, though in that time I occasionally visited to see what those who are left were up to. I recently have begun playing Legends of Aranna again, though my OS didn't want to let me do that easily. Just playing made me want to get back into the swing of things, to get involved again back here.

Question regarding tank viewing/creating utilities

Hey guys:

I've been browsing through the tools downloads for DS2 and it appears that the site that hosted Tank Extractor has changed owners or something.

Clicking on the link to download leads to a bunch of links for "free internet games" and things of that nature. Clicking on the link for contact information redirected me to Kohl's department store.

I have the toolkit, but are there any other utilities I can get to substitute for Tank Extractor?

Looking for mods have alot all ready

Recently i began playing all DS series and have mods for them if you would like dont hesitate to give me a shout.

Mods that are included are for DS-2 . DS2-Broken World and Legends of Aranna

I take no credit for the mods there are mostly from sites that have closed down i hope that they are ones that people have been looking for!!!

All the read me files are there so please use them!!!!!!

Enjoy i know I have and will for a long time. Dwarf :yahoo:

How to Make or edit such archives and retank them

ok im still having problems with the mods ( making them )
and like i said in my other post
i want to make a mod were i can add up my pre made heroes
and im usin the drevin mod to see what archives does it has
i used the Dstankviewer and untank the archives but know i dont know how
to edit such archives so
my quiestion is how do i make or edit the .GAS archives
and how do i re tank them

thank you for your help Smile

Mod request

i want to make a mod where i can add my pre made heroes as party members for my actual hero
dont know if i explain myself, if you people please could help me
at least yust telling me how to start that would be great i already try to find it out myself but with no luck.

or you know how to do it and do me the favour that would totally rock Smile



The last few days I have a problem, but have no find solution. Read it here:

Can anyone help me on this??? I dont know what to do. I tried some hex editors, but I dont have knowledge on these staff. Any idea, any suggestion, any help???


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