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DS1 & LoA Mod Development

Discuss modifications of DS1 and LoA here.

May the Fourth Be With You

Here is a little something was working on.

And a video:

The mod is not there.
I had to trick the export script into thinking R2D2 had bones.
But it otherwise does not when it moves about.
The downside is that it couldn't use weapons.
I'm guessing it's the grips that DS is looking for and not finding them.

Playable Hassat Characters

So there has been plenty of talk about this.
But this mod allows the characters to use any human armor and helmet.

My skills at animating are minimal.
The Lion head braids will be weighted so they don't move so much.
I think the original braids had their own bones.

Is it possible to merge animations from one creature to another?
Probably would have to use Gmax.
In that case that may be a later version.

A derp moment with progressive items.

So, funny story….

I wanted to create progressive items with values that progressed differently depending on the user’s skill levels. For example, a suit of armor that would gain value quickly as you gained melee levels, more slowly if you gained ranged levels, and very slowly if you gained casting levels.

So I plugged this mishmash in to the “value =” field of the item:

AAGUI [At Last, A Good UI] Link & Shameless Advertisement.

To make weapons for Dungeon Siege

I have a silly question.
In Lazarus, all weapons stats are fixed.
Accept for an occasional intentionally magic item,
most weapons in Laz are static basic versions.
Which means it is very easy to make new versions of them.
Stats in Lazarus only go up to 30 (if you're lucky).
But in Dungeon Siege, weapon can have random attributes.
And they drop due to conditions... of some kind.


I've forgotten what the loot drop indicator does or means, I've looked through all my notes and searched this site to no avail but I've come up with nothing, I can only say in my defence that my searching skills are not that good so can someone put me out of my misery and tell me what it does.

Object Highlight When MouseOver

Hi. Does anyone know what decides if an object is highlighted during game play?
(.GAS) wise?
When I mouse-over an actor (npc or monster), or even armor that can be picked up, the object becomes lite up, or at least no longer affected by surrounding 'moods' and 'lights'.
But some of my mods don't do this and I would like to include it.
Does anybody know what provides this for a game model?


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