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DS2 Mod development

Discuss modifications of DS2 here.

Are these functions/properties accessible?

First thing I'm looking for is a way to add a skrit to a weapon or weapon template for an event that happens on attack such as firing multiple projectiles instead of just one arrow.

Also, is it possible to change what weapon types/templates are still in your character's hands while you have a spell equipped like how staff and cestus are handled currently.

Node Placement Tutorial

I just wrote a basic tutorial on how to get started in the Siege editor for all the people who think it's way too difficult or don't know where to begin! So head over to the herena Forge and check out the tutorial!



Can I please start a discussion around what is involved in bringing PvP to dungeon siege 2?

DLL modding obviously... can we expect help from the devs?

Is there some really painful reason GPG left this out?


Big knives.
Small brain.

War hound pet

Saw this cool critter made by KillerGremal over att Siegenetwork.

A little background story in the words of KillerGremal as found here.

An old and almost forgotten Aranna lore wrote:

Morden-Gral Mages have learnd more and more about the races out of the Magic Rifts and have begun to merge dire wolves and nawl beasts to get a very powerful beast to support them in the fight against the dryads.
To improve its aggressivity morden mages have implented scorpion thorns in the pet's back and head and have raised it with blood instead of wolf milk.


Does regions still have to be stitched the same way they did in DS1?

NNK files

I just wonder if you make new nodes and objects.....the they wil be saved to the mod maps in the ds 2 my game it not possible en if so how to add a own map ? like we did in ds 1? because if i will make al nodes and textures just to one map then it will become a choas Crying who knows something about this?

Sharkull's picture

Enchantable item flag? (+ world level specific quest drops)

I want to make a little tweak to the newbie gear (dropped by the dryad jailer), including a spell book (without requirements) that can be enchanted. The problem is that I can't find the flag / method to make an item enchantable.

Can someone give me a hint? :mrgreen:

Edit: updating subject name...


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