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DS2 Mod development

Discuss modifications of DS2 here.

Sharkull's picture

Give experience in a flick?

Anyone know how to give experience in a flick? I want to create a mini-mod which would allow a player to start a newbie character, and fast-forward into Veteran / Elite. I'm toying with the idea of changing a talk flick for an actor in the Dryad town to do what I want (because I'd really like to do all this without any map changes...).

Setting the flag unlocking the next difficulty is simple... and so should giving some starting gold (putting a naked char in Vet. / Elite would be evil :twisted: ), but I can't find out how to quickly boost the hero to an appropriate level. Ideally I'd like to use the same GUI as a starting MP character (logic\ui\interfaces\backend\auto_leveler), but I can't find where it is triggered (so I assume this is hard-coded Stare ) and I'd settle for just giving XP to the active skill class for the hero (as is done in battle). Also, I'm not worried about party wide experience... I indend for the mod to be used just by a lone hero (no NPC's).

Jungle region preview

I have had a series of events that has slowed my project down(graphic card dying, losing internet, and now finals). I have not added fog to this region yet.


Sharkull's picture

Shiny sword in DS2? (how to use shaders)

In the demo movie clip for DS2 (the long one narrated by Chris Taylor) I remember there being two special swords... one of which had a reflective appearance (shaders?). Having played the game now, I can't say I've seen anything "shiny" in the game other than water. :?

Has anyone seen a shiny sword (or any reflective surface other than water) in DS2?

Editor 1 & 2

may be a dumb question but i dont no---is there a way to combine the stuff from editor 1 so that i can get it to work in editor 2-(such as skelotons and other creatures) or is this not gonna be possible----or is it just the dumbest question youse have ever herd--LOL -----

Sharkull's picture

my_test_world (released)

This map + mod has been released, and can be found at the downloads page (current link: ). It's listed as a "beta" because I don't really consider this a "final" product, but a working tool for modders to use... I have no plans for another version.

Here's the readme:
Dungeon Siege 2: Mod ReadMe

Mod Title: my_test_world
Author(s): Sharkull

Mod Version Number......................: 0.9 Beta
Release Date............................: Feb.18,`06

DS2 Models

I was wondering if there are any new model projects underway for DS2?

I was also wondering if someone would do 2 things for me.

First request is the sword that Valdis uses. That sword requires some bone rearrangement, especialy in the grip. Obviously, the in-game sword was designed for Valdis to wield, but hey! Some of us would love to use that sword, too!

I made a template for the sword, and it is wielded as if it were a crossbow, NOT a sword.

Would anyone like to fix this sword and release it as a public mod?

The second request is a little more easy.

The in-game Gladius is a tad too large to be called a gladius. A gladius is slightly larger than a dirk, yet shorter than a short sword. Would someone care to reduce the physical size of this sword, so it is more of a gladius and less a short sword?

Custom node lighting problem

I have made a new node, pic here, do you see the lighting? should it be like that? :? I think it might have something to do with another problem that I am having... which is, some nodes I make need to have their normals flipped before being exported or they'd be flipped in the game (that node had to have the normals flipped).

Here is another node, here, that didn't need to have its normals flipped, and it has fine lighting.

So yeah, any suggestions on how to fix this would be good Smile


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