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DS2 Mod development

Discuss modifications of DS2 here.

Sharkull's picture

Enchantable progressive weapons...?

It's easy enough to make a progressive weapon using a "value" formula within a [magic] - [enchantments] - [*] block, but that makes the weapon magical and therefore not enchantable. So, what I've been trying to do is to put a formula in the [attack] block, using something dynamic (eg. #melee, #character_level, #str...), but nothing I've tried has worked.

Am I banging my head against the wall trying to do the impossible, or does anyone have any suggestions?

Find start location?

ok guys i decided to test my map out but im in a black space cant see anything so i must've misplaced the start location , is there a button or something that brings the camera to my start location in se2? so i can move the start location to where its supposed to be , because i cant find the start location

My first World

Ok it took me a while to grasp the concept that doors in se werent literally doors :P but after i learned the proper meaning things got easier , it not may not look big but its a big accomplishment for me lol ^^ here are 2 screenies of my first world(not finished yet)

thats around the center , i included lothar,drevin and deru oh and also a test shopkeeper

is it possible?

I was thinking guys, would it be possible to blend or combine two monster mesh's if it is possible how hard you think it would be
Just wondering
Regards the Reaper

Enabling bosses on a new map

Aye, I have a question, How do I make Critters like talon or Dark mages do their job, when I place them in my Mini map I made all they do is sit their, kinda lame considering its part of a Quest that I made and a challenge would make it alot better haha

Modelling question

Hey guys, im new to the whole modding situation, so pretty much im a newb at it, could someone tell me how I can add Mesh files into DS2 Siegeeditor, im tired of the old armor and would like to upload some versions i made but have no idea where to go for the tools

thanks for any help :P

Playgoblin Centrefold

This is a mini-project I'm working on, possibly to incorporate in the same siegelet as LC.

The girl that Gizmo lusts after - her fine features, her attitude, her subtle hair color. What more could a goblin ask for?


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