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DS2 Mod development

Discuss modifications of DS2 here.

Resurrecting a lost mod: "Custom Pets Reloaded V2" by Darkelf

Mod used to be downloadable from here:

I have been unable to find any other link online anywhere to try to get a hold of this (or a newer version if one was ever made). If anyone has this and can upload it to this site it would be greatly appreciated:

Submitted by

Author's Name Darkelf
Version V2
Compatibility DSII 2.2,BrokenWorld, Allsaves and Succubus Manager
Wed Jun 11, 2008 9:58 am
Last Updated
Tue Jul 01, 2008 6:03 pm

Nice Mod Idea

Can some one work on a mod that resembles Valdis Armor and/or Azunite Armor?


ravenloren's picture

DarkElf's 4x Skills 4x Experience for DS2 and Broken World

Hi Darkelf - special greetings from ravenloren from siegecore.

I have a special request - a very special mod of yours: "DarkElf's 4x Skills 4x Experience for DS2 and Broken World" - a very cool mod by the way - is unavailable on siegecore due to spam. Would you happen to have a link for it still? If you do I would be most thankful and appreciative.

Kind regards, ravenloren.

P.S. your mod is the only one that works properly with succubus modlet - and with BW.

"Re-Class" Mod for vanilla DS2 -- Is there one?

---[ P.S. ]---
Sorry I have not been much active lately.
If someone felt ignored, my sincere apologies to him/her.

---[ INTRO ]---
Hello everyone,

I have not forgot this website, but my health is not what it used to be and I have to account for it. I dislike it, but I must like it.
No point complaining.
So, in trying to make the best use of my time, I have started anew DS2 -- oh, I do other things too, do not worry. Computer is only part of my day.

I am short on time. So I jump to the point.
You can imagine or make up the missing details as an exercise.

Altering monster life, party exp, nerfing powers.

I was wondering if it's possible to do all 3 things, in an attempt to make the game feel more like DS1. Lower, or make it so monster life doesn't scale with more members(is exp based on monster life like it is in DS1 BTW?). Decreasing party exp with each member. Vastly nerfing powers so you can't wipe out common monsters with a single hit since they have much less life.

Is monster life and exp based on the map or is it universal?

Merging fex-1.1.txt and fubi.log (from DS2Mod) -- 1 question about datatypes

Bear with me, I am cooking something you may find useful.

In fex-1.1.txt I see the "gpstring" and the "gpwstring" datatypes.
I assume they are the ANSI and UNICODE versions of the "string" datatype.

More specifically:
-- "gpwstring" (fex-1.1) should match with "wstring" (fubi.log)
-- "gpstring" (fex-1.1) should match with "string" (fubi.log)

The question:

But in skrit code... do you have both the "string" and the "wstring" datatypes?
Or do you just have the "string" datatype (and if you write "wstring" it is a syntax error) ?

FEX Listing for DS2 ?


Is there a FEX listing for DS2?

For DS1 there was a text file named fex-1.1.txt
Is there any fex.2-x.txt around for DS2?

If there is not, how accurate is the fex-1.1 content?
I mean, can I read up to it and safely use what portions of it do still _match_ (for a lot of it does not) with the DS2 API exposed in fubi.log?



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