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DS1 & LoA General Discussion

Discuss gameplay for DS1, LoA and any DS1 mods here - no spoilers.

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

Miswritten SFX

It seems that most of my SFX seems to send the wrong worldmsg.
For this SFX, I COULD place damage into the SFX itself, but then the spell will not have any control over the damage. Tell me, what is wrong with this SFX to make it not do damage, and more importantly where could I find a list of all possible worldmsgs for SFX?

name =cloudkill;

script =

sfx create Steam #TARGET

Adding Four Modifiers

Currently I'm on vacation... Cool

I've been searching the net for Character Editing since I can't play any games, hehe...
I was just wondering... How would I add the Quad-Mods to items :?:

(Quad-Mods is the term I've seen used several times since I first started playing LOA, over two years ago.)

Take my liberty. Take my life. Take my Dungeon Siege? NO WAY

This sucks.

A whole lot.

When I attempt to run Dungeon Siege, it just says, "SmarteSECURE has trapped a windows resource error. Please re-run the apllication." Well, I reran the application.

A couple thousand times.

I've tried everything. I used the Windows help thing that says you need to get rid of your temporary files, I've sweeped my computer for viruses and adware and spyware, I even installed it on another computer to see if it was the disk. But it worked fine on my other computer. Just not my gaming computer.

I was looking forward to playing this great game again. Damn it, I was going to go through the entire campaign this summer! And now some god-forsaken resource error dares bar my path?

LoneKnight's picture

Digging up old treasures...

Okay, I remember a long time ago, back in the days of SiegeTheDay's prime, Iryan had a topic devoted to some monsters that he had found buried in Dungeon Siege. These monsters had been made by GPG, but were never finished. Some of them looked truely amazing.

I was wondering a few things:

1. Is this topic still around, or has it been swallowed up?
2. Did Iryan ever release a mod of the edited monsters?
3. Would anyone be interested in helping me restore these monsters?

PvP Handbook.

As i havent seen this posted anywhere i guess ill do it. As you probaly know by reading my posts im really new to mapmaking in ds1 or ds2 but ive been a long time editer(almost 4 years :)) i just found this link to the pvp handbook which is a great resource if you learning to edit characters.

Lightsaber Mod By TNL

I am looking for a lightsaber mod by theresnothingleft. Does anyone know where I can find this?

help on stallation

:? I had to reinstall my computer fully so i had to install the game DS again.
I put the disc in the drive, i went to install and then the game started installing.....But when it went ds config (something) the installation froze and then it told of an error saying it might already installed and stuff.
I went to search on my computer but found nothing like ds config. Please help me.......


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