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Asking for a mod

Hello everyone,sorry if I posted this in the wrong section but I am here to ask for a mod (I couldn't find anything related to this I'm sorry if it has already been discussed).
I would be very grateful if someone could develop a mod so the rare dialogue between the player and the party members isn't interrupted. Could someone do that? Is it even possible?

mod categories: 

Elys Succubus Manager v10


Elys DS2 Succubus Manager for:
Dungeon Siege 2.2
Dungeon Siege Broken World 2.3

Elys DS2 Succubus Manager is a package all-in-one for DS2*AllSaves/DS2BW*Allsaves/Elys DS2 Succubus Modlet/Elys DS2BW Succubus Modlet.
You should uninstall prior version of all these applications before installing Elys DS2 Succubus Manager.

Installation & Use

Dark_Elf's Mothra Pet for Broken World


Mod Title: Dark_Elf's Mothra Pet for Broken World and Dungeon Siege II ?

this mod adds my purple moth named Mothra to pet shops. She has some cool spells so check her out.

Author: Dark_Elf
ReadMe Template by Sharkull

Mod Version Number: 4.0
Release Date: 21-4-2015
Mod Size (approx.): 136,524 Bytes
Contact Information:

Web Site:

Installation Instructions:


Dark_Elf's Diablo Unique Rings & Amulets


Mod Title: Dark_Elf's Diablo Unique Rings & Amulets
This mod has 5 rings and 3 amulets graphics from Diablo Lord of Destruction, the 5 rings and 3 amulets will appear in shops. Also I converted most of the Unique rings & amulets to DSII rings and amulets, didn’t do all the good stats (eg Golems and curses) but got most of the ones I could do.

Author: Dark_Elf
ReadMe Template by Sharkull

Mod Version Number: 3.0
Release Date: 25-2-2015
Mod Size (approx.): 15,028 Bytes
Contact Information:


Dark_Elf's Harder Monsters for DungeonSiege II only


Dark_Elf's Harder Monsters for DungeonSiege II only

uploading old mod from 2008 to Siegetheday since it was originally on siegecore and siegecore is gone
This mod makes the monsters harder by increasing their health x3, their attack x2 and defense x2.

Author: Dark_Elf

Special Thanks:
1. Dulac, for allowing me to to put mods on SiegeCore
2. Omniscient_Colossus, for allowing me to put mods on Herena Forge
3. ReadMe Template by Sharkull

Mod Version Number: V1

Release Date: December 12, 2008

Web Sites:

Dark_Elf's Skull Flames


Dark_Elf's Skull Flames

1 new spell called Burning Skull Spray and 1 new spell called 12 Skull Spray

install in broken world resources as Broken World is required

2 new spells should be available to combat mages in ds2 and bw

Dark_Elf's Throwing Pitchforks


Dark_Elf's Throwing Pitchforks

install in Broken World resources folder

includes 3 throwing pitchforks - Black, Red and Pink all 3 have their own exploding color on hit.

also included new sound file for thrown


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