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Empire of Stars v0.8: The Planet of Evil

Tadaa VoilĂ !

Please note that this is essentially the beta version of the map. There'll be a few more things to polish for the 1.0 release, but the regions are all in place now and the storyline is complete. So if you feel like playtesting - now's the time! Wink I'll wrap things up & release the 1.0 in October.

The above image is in the Cathedral of Stars inside Castle La Crimosa. After an odyssee among the stars, you are finally able to return back home.

Arriving on the Seth Planet, on the way to the castle you'll have to fight some bandits & cyclops

There are also some machines & undead around.
But the main enemies are of course the evil Reptiloids from the tribe of the Seth:

With the Aranna Starstone you can return home, but if you're in the mood for some more fighting you can slay the Seth King

And the even stronger Seth Queen Mother (good luck with that)

After you finally set foot again on Little Iliyara Island...

... you can visit the Red Planet! This is toadally not Mars and you meet the Little Green Men there:

There's also a nice little canyon that you can have a walk in. Enjoy!

And then they all went to the Moon to have a party with the Magic Moon Dwarves with lots of mulled mead & gremal stew. THE END.

KathyCF your dark fae is not yet added, I'll have it in the 1.0 release

started a new game from beginning with 0.8 here are some screens -
2 beds one house?

dark fae

( it unusual that two people live in one house?)

I'm working on polishing EoS and wanted to share a few pics:

Here are Dark Fae on the Bandit Moon:

I also did a dark pixie (because the only difference is that pixies give mana) and I'm struggling with the naming. Is "Dark Puck" a good name?

Then I've added sparkles to the starstones and set items:

I hope it helps that the player doesn't accidentally overlook them.
I've also added light rays to the places where starstones or set items are hidden. Yellow is the color for starstones and cyan for set items.

And lastly I got some fresh bookcases designed by Sadowson from Discord:

He made exactly 10 of them which fits my lore library in the Palace of Light perfectly.

The screen shots look good. The updated bookshelves are a nice improvement over the old ones, can see a lot more detail. Maybe the pixie could be a sprite or something? Pixie synonyms

Sentence examples from the above website:

Let me blast that buzzing vixen to pixie hell.

Negative, the pixie has left the toadstool.


was walking along a beach and found some nude utrean sunbathers to hang out with...seems i found my Auntie on this planet and a few more sidekicks. i need to figure out the order of the planets, as i afraid i will mess up the story.


Yay nakie Utraeans! Big smile
(The 1.0 will have an optional non-nude overlay .dsres, even tho I don't think the polygon boobies will actually upset anyone lol.)

About the order of stars / planets:
There's no strict order to them. You have to explore and see what starstones you find where. The map is not linear, and the middle is a bit of a treasure hunt until you find an Aldebaran starstone. I think I should mention this in the map description, just so that players know what to expect and don't worry too much when they feel a bit "lost".
That said, the stars have increasing level of difficulty / enemy strength. Alpha Centauri -> Betelgeuse -> Altair -> Rigel -> Aldebaran -> Sirius. Vega is just for hunting & looting and has areas with various difficulties parallel from Betelgeuse up til Rigel.

Thanks for playing the map! Smile

BTW I finally moved the crypt exit into the cold storage cave behind Eddiloo.
I also did some refactoring, fixed stuff for multiplayer, and added German translation. Fog colors on Betelgeuse & in the Winternight Woods are tweaked, and oh yea Aunt Luna has white hair now, I love it.
And currently I'm doing a run with Hi-Res Textures & SeeFar mod, just to see how it all works together. Found some compatibility problems & fixed them.

foerstj wrote:

Yay nakie Utraeans! Big smile

(The 1.0 will have an optional non-nude overlay .dsres, even tho I don't think the polygon boobies will actually upset anyone lol.)

About the order of stars / planets:
There's no strict order to them. You have to explore and see what starstones you find where. The map is not linear, and the middle is a bit of a treasure hunt until you find an Aldebaran starstone. I think I should mention this in the map description, just so that players know what to expect and don't worry too much when they feel a bit "lost".
That said, the stars have increasing level of difficulty / enemy strength. Alpha Centauri -> Betelgeuse -> Altair -> Rigel -> Aldebaran -> Sirius. Vega is just for hunting & looting and has areas with various difficulties parallel from Betelgeuse up til Rigel.

Thanks for playing the map! Smile

seems i found a secret location on Altair -

didnt see no lever so maybe i get here after doing another area?


ok seems i found the elevator in this section so that mystery location is solved but seems i have found some scorpions and enemies that are in section of map i cant attack and they wont come to my characters either

and here is my quest book so far

think i destroyed all on Altair will try another planet soon..takes a while for me to complete cause i am doing the whole area, running back to town with full inventory like 3 times and running back. i wish ds1 had town portal sometimes lol this is a really fun map.

Yes it's the hidden exit of the Fireheart Caverns Smile

Thank you for reporting the bug, I'll have a look at it!

And one word of warning: On Rigel planet Geb, DO NOT "do the whole area". The Endless Shrubland is huge, it would take forever. It's all auto-generated, and there's nothing secret out there that you could find. And if you actually cleared the whole shrubs of enemies, you'd probably be overpowered for the rest of the map lol.

Big Announcement: I'm planning to release Empire of Stars 1.0 on Friday !!1

Here are screenies of the latest changes!

Tweaked fog color in Winternight Woods - previously it was white which didn't look much like night:

Turned around lighting in 1st half of Betelgeuse - Palim Palim is lit better like this anyway:

Tweaked fog color on Betelgeuse - as pink as possible:

Changed texture of jungle braak - using texture of a braak boss:

Added sparkles to starstones & set-items:

Gave Aunt Luna white hair:

Exchanged the closed dome with a grave - players tended to search for a way to open the door:

Added Kathy's Dark Fae - thanks again:

Made a non-nude overlay dsres:

Crypt now exits into Eddiloo cold storage:

Also I want to put a playthru up on youtube again, but the editing will take a while longer. Here's the first episode, hope you like it:

foerstj wrote:

Big Announcement: I'm planning to release Empire of Stars 1.0 on Friday !!1

aewsome!!! had to stop playing the current run, cause i am full on inventory and being a packrat, it takes me hours to decide what to keep and sell, will have to buy some more pack mules or something for future version.

Yeah I try to keep shopping time at a minimum but usually after the Fireheart Caverns I just have to take a while to sell all the loot hehe.
In my playthru I'll speed up the video for the shopping.
Speaking of which: Episode 2 is up, enjoy: