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Food for Thought

Hey! Are you hungry? I sure am!

Pennywise the Clown cereal! You'll love IT!

This looks as if someone decapitated an alien life form and served up the head...along with its eyes as a lovely garnish. Accompanied by delicious alien body fluid beverage.

On the topic of alien life forms...
These "tomato refreshers" look full of chest bursting refreshing-ness!

And now for the "wink wink" portion of the blog.
Mmm, crunchy, yummy phallic symbols for dessert! Said nobody, ever.

Why is this couple sharing a dream about sausages? 25% longer no less! Inquiring minds want to know...

Maybe instead they could be dreaming of, well, Me or Jeannie or even California?



Your food stuff I would never eat, but I might shoot it with your bow stuff. Nice bows Smile

BTW, the cereal was like wet newspaper with LOTS of sugar, the "banana" candles are revolting( pineapple does NOT go with either banana's or nuts) as for the fish....urgh

sigofmugmort1 wrote:

BTW, the cereal was like wet newspaper with LOTS of sugar, the "banana" candles are revolting( pineapple does NOT go with either banana's or nuts) as for the fish....urgh

Wet newspaper cereal - Breakfast of Champions?

Thanks Lili. I would totally shoot those nasty tomato things, they are NASTY.

I updated my link for Pennywise (It at Imdb).