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Character you are prodest of?

MiuMelody's picture

Post a picture or tell us about your favourite character/the one you played the most.

followed closely by this one

especially when armed with a chainsaw.

Since I have never designed a character like Ghastley. I normally play as an elf (duh) and a ranger because of my custom bows. Since I have been playing the game since 2002 I would have to think really really had to pick between a standard farm girl or a cat mansion girl. Then I would have to think what game DS1, Legends of Aranna, DS2 or Broken World. Think it would most likely be Legends of Aranna with my custom versions of Adepts and Legends of Utrae installed. I know I have hundreds of screen shots on various old hard drives will have to see if I can get any working. But I guess I could start here.

This one also works since it is based on a certain elf I am close to Smile

Ghastley here is my forest fire fighting chainsaw.


MiuMelody's picture

Is that chainsaw an in-game weapon? o.O

The Halloween Special Late Late Show mod (available here!) by myself and Charietto, included guns, throwing plates, flamethrowers, fire extinguishers, chainsaws, and a whole bunch of non-standard stuff, but it was a Total Conversion type of mod, just using the engine to tell a different story.