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DS2 Mailing List

Balderstrom's picture

Is anyone else on the mailing list?

We hope you had a great time playing Dungeon Siege II. Want to make our next games even better? Now's your chance! Talk back to us about your experience in the game before December 2, 2005. We promise we'll read everything you say and consider it for possible inclusion in our games.
"Talkback" ? maybe I'm one slow dwarf, but theres nothing about this on their website, or the garage, and theres no "link" in the mail itself. WTF?

i got Wanted: The Wisdom of the Players in my email today. Asking me for feedback with an image and link in the image.

Hmm.. I didn't get anything.

I signed up for somethng. Not sure who else was able to sign up. Not even sure if that's why i got the email. it told me nothing else.

Balderstrom's picture

:oops: Started using Yahoo thru POP3 (YahooPops Program) recently...guess I had Opera set to View/Display/Suppress External Embeds :diespam: ... woulda expected a http link to display at least though :P

Balderstrom's picture

For those not on the mailing list, or that didn't get the mail, and are interested: Survey.

The "Further Comment" I left:
I've already commented on this on the garage - but I was very disappointed with the lack of playerUI/AI/formations this time around. Controlling more than a couple characters is difficult at best.

While DS1 had far too many overlapping spells, DS2's spell system feels gutted.

The chant system while interesting is innefectual due to the base durations of all the 'spells'.

Many LOA improvements were ignored.

The save system: Even in a SNES emulator on a PC you can save the "state" of a game.

Unique/Rare/Sets, this is an improvement over DS1, but the frequency of duplicates makes this whole idea moot - and while DS1 had too much equipment, DS2 has too little.

Level based equipment restrictions is a poor way to balance a system. A far more effectual system would significantly scale back weapon damage and armor class values, perhaps giving different "grades" of normal equipment and/or different materials. Then scale any magical bonuses based on the relevant skill/stat and remove level/stat restrictions completely.

With base weapon damage/AC reduced a piece of equipment on a low level char doesn't throw balance out the door. The overall combat system is also much easier to fine tune and balance when these equipment values don't scale so massively at higher levels as well.

That is what they sent me.