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1. Be polite.
Keep the tone toward others civilised. You may have a differing opinion and voice it, but don't be disrespectful as you do so. And provide arguments.

2. Respect others privacy.
Don't post any personal information about another member of these forums.

3. Respect the decisions made by the moderators and administrators.
What they say goes and you will have to follow their decisions. You may bring it up with a moderator or administrator in private correspondence if you feel that a bad decision has been made.

4. No illegal content.
Respect copyrighted work. Don't post any links to warez or any other illegal content. Also don't post any information on how to obtain such content.

5. No pornography, nudity, and strongly sexually suggestive material.
Don't post links to material that would be considered to be such, or images that could be considered as such.
When linking to DS / DS2 mods containing mature content (e.g realistic nudity, foul language...), clear warnings are required. Discussions and screenshots of such mod content must comply with all site rules (i.e. no realistic nudity, no foul language etc.).

6. No foul language.
Refrain from using foul language like cussing or swearing. Also, don't use words that are sexually loaded.
When linking to DS / DS2 mods containing mature content (including nudity, foul language...), clear warnings are required. Discussions and screenshots of such mod content must comply with all site rules (i.e. no nudity, no foul language...).

7. No spamming.
These forums may not be used for advertising non-DS sites e.g. posting or linking to commercials, gambling sites, pyramid schemes, money scams and similar. Advertising personal sites or websites you consider good will be tolerated as long as it is kept within reason.

8. No crossposting.
Only post about the same issue in one forum. And please use the right one.

9. No doubleposting.
Don't publish two or more posts in a row in the same topic without first letting at least a 24 hour gap. If you want to add or change something use the edit button. Posting twice or more in a row when replying to more than one post is fine.

10. Good taste.
Please don't use annoyingly bright colors or unnecessary large text while posting.

11. Common sense.
These rules don't cover everything so please use common sense and follow proper netiquette when using these boards. When in doubt don't hesitate to ask a moderator or administrator.


Signatures are allowed, but as a courtesy to those with low-bandwidth connections please respect the following.

1. The combined size of all images is to be no larger than 400 px in width, and 100 px in height.

2. The total filesize should be no larger than 100 kb.

3. The signature height with images and text should in a 800 px wide browser window with normal textsettings be no larger than 120 px.

4. Images in signatures should not be animated.

5. Signatures should follow the rules for posting.


Avatars are allowed, but as a courtesy to those with low-bandwidth connections please respect the following.

1. Size should be no larger than 100 px in width and 150 px in height.

2. File size must be no larger than 60 kb.

3. Avatars should not be animated.

4. The avatars should follow the rules for posting.