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diablo rings-amulets and pitchforks LoA

converted my ds2 diablo rings and amulets mod
and my ds2 black, red and pink pitchforks mod
to loa both are alpha 1 for testing

23 April 2017 uploaded

27 April 2017 Alpha 20 uploaded
thanks kathycf for the icons Smile



I will give the rings and forks a test. Ever thought about pitchspoons

what r pitchspoons?....actually wanted to do thrown pitchforks, but would have to borrow the Light and Dark Elves to do that as ds1 don't have throwing anims by default...maybe another time... I may expand on the pink, black and red weapons, just not sure what ones would look good perhaps all of them lol, will leave the armor to u and Kathy to make Tongue also been thinking about taking some ds2 minimaps and converting them to ds1 just for kicks but if I start too many projects I seldom complete what I start, so sticking to the small ones for now.

bare_elf wrote:
I will give the rings and forks a test. Ever thought about pitchspoons

I remember the Halloween special having throwing plates, but I think we got them from another mod. The animation was the sword one for a downward swing, rather than a custom throw animation, I think.

Darkelf wrote:
what r pitchspoons?....actually wanted to do thrown pitchforks, but would have to borrow the Light and Dark Elves to do that as ds1 don't have throwing anims by default...maybe another time...

The Siege of the three Kingdoms weapons pack has some throwing weapons also (javelin, shuriken and some sort of spiked ball). Catmansion plus pack (and Adepts as well, I imagine) have several kinds of throwing weapons, including the plates. As ghastley says, they use one of the sword animations. Maybe checking those out might help. Oh and DS Revived/ DS Revived LoA have a few throwing weapons also.

Darkelf wrote:

I may expand on the pink, black and red weapons, just not sure what ones would look good perhaps all of them lol, will leave the armor to u and Kathy to make.

What sorts of things are you looking for?

This a collection of some stuff. One of the albums (Textures) has different colored textures I made myself. I have quite a lot of pink, some red and some other stuff.

There is also an album of " Textures not made by me". These are all free textures I downloaded over the course of several months.

Let me know what you need and I am sure either myself or Bare_Elf will be able to help. Smile

kathycf wrote:
Darkelf wrote:
what r pitchspoons?....actually wanted to do thrown pitchforks, but would have to borrow the Light and Dark Elves to do that as ds1 don't have throwing anims by default...maybe another time...

The Siege of the three Kingdoms weapons pack has some throwing weapons also (javelin, shuriken and some sort of spiked ball). Catmansion plus pack (and Adepts as well, I imagine) have several kinds of throwing weapons, including the plates. As ghastley says, they use one of the sword animations. Maybe checking those out might help. Oh and DS Revived/ DS Revived LoA have a few throwing weapons also.

Darkelf wrote:

I may expand on the pink, black and red weapons, just not sure what ones would look good perhaps all of them lol, will leave the armor to u and Kathy to make.

What sorts of things are you looking for?

This a collection of some stuff. One of the albums (Textures) has different colored textures I made myself. I have quite a lot of pink, some red and some other stuff.

There is also an album of " Textures not made by me". These are all free textures I downloaded over the course of several months.

Let me know what you need and I am sure either myself or Bare_Elf will be able to help. Smile

Yes I am sure Kathy and I can come up with something Wink


kathycf wrote:

The Siege of the three Kingdoms weapons pack has some throwing weapons also (javelin, shuriken and some sort of spiked ball). Catmansion plus pack (and Adepts as well, I imagine) have several kinds of throwing weapons, including the plates. As ghastley says, they use one of the sword animations. Maybe checking those out might help. Oh and DS Revived/ DS Revived LoA have a few throwing weapons also.

haven't got the three kingdoms weapons pack, or catmansion plus pack, but I do have adepts and ds revived so guess can look at those, I guess if it gpg sword animation it can be used...I think ds2 throw anim could be used too with some tinkering, but will try the sword anim first cause really don't want to add more kb to a mod for thrown weapons....

What sorts of things are you looking for?

This a collection of some stuff. One of the albums (Textures) has different colored textures I made myself. I have quite a lot of pink, some red and some other stuff.

There is also an album of " Textures not made by me". These are all free textures I downloaded over the course of several months.

started looking at the album, lot of nice ds pics, seen a blue skeleton I am very interested in, do u have the blue skeleton modded in a mod someplace? will look at some more after I get home from the grocery store later today.

as for armor, I was thinking about just using the 3 textures black, red and pink, as overlay for the armor, since the mesh is what controls the armor...I just didn't want to put time into editing gpg armor templates and adding them all to the game.... u have some nice armors already. the ones I really want changed with more colors of gpg is the wizard hats, I don't like gpg choice of colors on the wizard hats..which is the hat of choice for my mages, some of the outfits use green a lot for like the ranged, eww...its mainly a gpg coloring I don't like just wish the outfits were all overhauled with some nicer colors is all. Black I like for a ninja like look, melee would look good or even ranged... red I like cause it makes them look devilish or santa-ish depending on the character.. and pink is for all those fighting cancer, I like my girl characters in is a nice pretty color for them. colors this game don't have much of.

Let me know what you need and I am sure either myself or Bare_Elf will be able to help. Smile

Did someone mention Santa?

I like Santa and today's snow storm ("winter storm Stella" I believe it is called) is hitting most of the Northern East Coast and is perfect for a sleigh ride. I think we got about a foot of snow, not sure because I haven't been outside at all.

DE, here is my google drive for the CM plus pack (made by Iryan with most of Hamcat's art assets). Also is the SOt3k weapons pack which was made by theresnothingleft ? ( I think that is how he spells out his name) and some of his weapons are featured in Adepts. I also included my hats and boots mod, which has more colorful armor stuff. I have another Hat mod in the works also, with some black and pink items. Smile ( I love pink, it is one of my favorite colors).

Mr Blue skelly I made with the Deep Style generator (part of DeepDream). I am working on a simplified version of my zombie mod, with some added skeletons and some dwarf zombies. If you like Mr Blue, you are welcome to take and use him in a project of yours.

I have some other blue shades of skeletons and I didn't want to overload the mod with one color. *Hopefully* if I can stop being a fuss pot and stop tinkering with each texture multiple times I can finish the mod like, soonish.

I am dividing it into 2 parts, Core and Create, which is similar to what Witness did with her character mods. I decided to copy her method as it seems a good way to eliminate conflicts. So. no heroes.gas for me to worry about.

If you need something more specific for the pitchforks, just let us know. I haven't had a chance to try the mod out yet, maybe tonight will do.

There's the throwing anim for monsters, any chance of using it for the good guys? Krug Chuckers, Dark Slingers, Swamp Slingers, Goo Walkers. And two-handed Desert Braaks.

RSimpkinuk57 wrote:
There's the throwing anim for monsters, any chance of using it for the good guys? Krug Chuckers, Dark Slingers, Swamp Slingers, Goo Walkers. And two-handed Desert Braaks.

	category_name = "magic";
	doc = "spell braak boulder";
	specializes = base_spell_monster;
		aiming_error_range_x = 2;
		aiming_error_range_y = 2;
		ammo_attach_bone = weapon_grip;
		ammo_template = braak_boulder;
		damage_max = 204;
		damage_min = 184;
		use_aiming_error = true;
		cast_range = 12;
		cast_reload_delay = 1;
		mana_cost = 0;
		requires_line_of_sight = true;
		speed_bias = 1;
		target_type_flags = tt_conscious_enemy;
		usage_context_flags = uc_offensive;
		velocity = 16;
		number = 1;
desert braaks used a spell for their thrown boulders that would work for heroes as a spell but would still need to use the melee anim I guess, perhaps can make spells as well for the mages... nice idea!!!

nice the bag works with an axe swing hehe... download don't work no more but I think I still have it on harddrive someplace.

ghastley wrote:
Did someone mention Santa?

I will have to make a google account to view it..thanks maybe tomorrow I will get the files downloaded was busy today.

kathycf wrote:
I like Santa and today's snow storm ("winter storm Stella" I believe it is called) is hitting most of the Northern East Coast and is perfect for a sleigh ride. I think we got about a foot of snow, not sure because I haven't been outside at all.

DE, here is my google drive for the CM plus pack (made by Iryan with most of Hamcat's art assets). Also is the SOt3k weapons pack which was made by theresnothingleft ? ( I think that is how he spells out his name) and some of his weapons are featured in Adepts. I also included my hats and boots mod, which has more colorful armor stuff. I have another Hat mod in the works also, with some black and pink items. Smile ( I love pink, it is one of my favorite colors).

Mr Blue skelly I made with the Deep Style generator (part of DeepDream). I am working on a simplified version of my zombie mod, with some added skeletons and some dwarf zombies. If you like Mr Blue, you are welcome to take and use him in a project of yours.

I have some other blue shades of skeletons and I didn't want to overload the mod with one color. *Hopefully* if I can stop being a fuss pot and stop tinkering with each texture multiple times I can finish the mod like, soonish.

I am dividing it into 2 parts, Core and Create, which is similar to what Witness did with her character mods. I decided to copy her method as it seems a good way to eliminate conflicts. So. no heroes.gas for me to worry about.

If you need something more specific for the pitchforks, just let us know. I haven't had a chance to try the mod out yet, maybe tonight will do.

downloads should have been singular, and Santa has a capital S. Fixed the link, now.


ghastley gets a cookie:

But the Santa download doesn't appear to be working yet. I am taking my cookie back!

Big smile

Hey DE, I thought you downloaded stuff from my Google drive before. They recently changed some things around, maybe that was one change. I hate change. Angry

I know you said File Dropper doesn't work for you, is there a file sharing site that does?

the santa download works for me... I don't know of any free file sharing sites that do work.. google drive says something about it needed authorized not sure what that means, but I tried it twice...I had a google email at one time but haven't used it all year and cant for the life of me remember the account name or password Sad

kathycf wrote:
ghastley gets a cookie:

But the Santa download doesn't appear to be working yet. I am taking my cookie back!

Big smile

Hey DE, I thought you downloaded stuff from my Google drive before. They recently changed some things around, maybe that was one change. I hate change. Angry

I know you said File Dropper doesn't work for you, is there a file sharing site that does? - uploaded v2 added some pitchfork spells (combat mage only will have soul lance graphic if in shop) and 1st attempt at thrown pitchforks...these are alpha and untested.

Since I changed the link on an existing page, your browser may have used the cached copy with the bad link. Refreshing the page should fix it.

but I eated it... Sad

Thanks ghastley. I cleared my cache and was able to download the file. Smile

Melee Red Pitchfork:

She looks like the little devil on those cans of deviled ham.

Pink Pitchfork in action:

It's fun having weapons to match my boots. Big smile

A few things with the thrown pitchforks:
The ground model:

When equipped it appears to have a "double" model. The weapon still works and I actually like the double look. The throwing animation looks a little off, almost as if the character is trying to hit something on the ground, but I can't see that being a big deal.

The spell pitchforks:
The spells for the pink and red magical pitchforks work fine and have correct icons. The spell for the black pitchfork is that default scroll one and the spell cannot be equipped in the spell book.


A couple of fun pics.

Not sure how this color effect and dual wielding happened, but I had paused the game and switched something out. Looks real cool though. Smile

Maybe a difference in the lighting caused the color effect? *shrug*

awesome screen shots.. I haven't been able to find them in shop with my current game, but at least with your screenies, I may be able to fix what needs fixed. Imagine the dual is because of the fact bows go in shield hand while staves went in main hand so may have that code conflicting some.... haven't seen the thrown anim yet but imagine it using a bow anim which probably will shoot toward ground. will look into the spell issue. probably a typo in the template someplace, always doing that or missing a }

kathycf wrote:
Melee Red Pitchfork:

She looks like the little devil on those cans of deviled ham.

Pink Pitchfork in action:

It's fun having weapons to match my boots. Big smile

A few things with the thrown pitchforks:
The ground model:

When equipped it appears to have a "double" model. The weapon still works and I actually like the double look. The throwing animation looks a little off, almost as if the character is trying to hit something on the ground, but I can't see that being a big deal.

The spell pitchforks:
The spells for the pink and red magical pitchforks work fine and have correct icons. The spell for the black pitchfork is that default scroll one and the spell cannot be equipped in the spell book.


A couple of fun pics.

Not sure how this color effect and dual wielding happened, but I had paused the game and switched something out. Looks real cool though. Smile

Maybe a difference in the lighting caused the color effect? *shrug*

I originally put the dsres in the loa folder and found 0 pitchforks. I then put the dsres into regular resources and saw 2, one in each store and each store on a different map. They seem more prevalent in the "lowbie" stores.

I actually used the dark/light elf mod with its console commands to give myself most of the items. That is a very handy feature.

perhaps I should put in regular resources...the mod don't need loa anyways, I just test with loa cd. still haven't found any Eye Shield drops/or store sales...wonder if it works in regular resources?

kathycf wrote:
I originally put the dsres in the loa folder and found 0 pitchforks. I then put the dsres into regular resources and saw 2, one in each store and each store on a different map. They seem more prevalent in the "lowbie" stores.

I actually used the dark/light elf mod with its console commands to give myself most of the items. That is a very handy feature.

I find my eye shields in stores with both DS1.exec and DSloa.exec, both running from the same cd. It is kind of a hit or miss with LoA. They do stock modded items, but the game seems to put a priority on equipment introduced with Loa. The pitchfork is just a basic item anyway so no real need to put in the loa folder, no?

I ran all my games with the dsloa.exec and it seemed to me that putting the dsres in regular resources improved availability. I know that's just anecdotal. Many of the higher end shops don't carry the pitchforks; are you going to add more of them with greater damage to the mod? I think more stores would carry them that way.

Shoot, I was going to write something else and it has flown away. Suppose I should go to bed.


kathycf wrote:
I find my eye shields in stores with both DS1.exec and DSloa.exec, both running from the same cd. It is kind of a hit or miss with LoA. They do stock modded items, but the game seems to put a priority on equipment introduced with Loa. The pitchfork is just a basic item anyway so no real need to put in the loa folder, no?

I ran all my games with the dsloa.exec and it seemed to me that putting the dsres in regular resources improved availability. I know that's just anecdotal. Many of the higher end shops don't carry the pitchforks; are you going to add more of them with greater damage to the mod? I think more stores would carry them that way.

Shoot, I was going to write something else and it has flown away. Suppose I should go to bed.


I have found the same with the eye shields and pitchforks - They more often show up in stores when the mods are placed in the resource folder than when placed in the DSLoA folder. I always play from DSLoA because of my Cat Mansion Mods. I think this may be do to the way the game files are loaded. First to load are the DS1 Resources and Maps. Second the DSLoA files. There are within this priority other orders of things such as file creation date, priority of file and such. Through trial and error I have found that if a mod is not displaying things in shops when playing from DSLoA it can be improved by either increasing the priority of the mod or putting the gas files and artwork of the mod directly into the the correct correct locations of Expansion.dsres or in my case Adepts.dsres. Hope this helps.

I have found several of the Pink throwing pitchforks and several of the rings, but as yet none of the other pitchforks have come my way from monster drops, shops or barrels and trunks. It might be because I am almost to the end of my game (legends of utrae) just arrived in Grescal. Will keep looking for them. I will try increasing the priority of the mod once I finish this game.

updated the pitchfork mod found 2 errors in the throwing pitchforks that were invalid components in attack portion of the template, other than that still haven't found them in game yet for further testing

Alpha 0.15

tweaked the pitchforks spells and thrown, changed some effects

the thrown pitchfork is melee-ranged both now but it should be giving points to range

I took the liberty of making a couple of inventory icons for the melee pitchforks. It was kind of hard for me to see the regular icons, so...yea.

I'm sorry they aren't anything fancy, but see what you think.

kathycf wrote:
I took the liberty of making a couple of inventory icons for the melee pitchforks. It was kind of hard for me to see the regular icons, so...yea.

I'm sorry they aren't anything fancy, but see what you think.

those r great, now we need to figure out how to add them to the templates Smile

Yes, it the icons that are stupid, certainly *not* moi... Insane

I guess I got ahead of myself making icons. I tried 3 times, but for some reason it won't "take". I think I will try again, this time making the .psd into .raw.
