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Test run: DS1_Mod_Test_Summons.ds2res by iryan

Test run: DS1_Mod_Test_Summons.ds2res by iryan

- Horrid summon

- Krug Dog

- Dark Blood summon

- Summon Gray wolf

- Summon Gray wolf

- Summon Bear



Here's an improved version of the summons mod.

I've edited all the state names and each monster materializes and starts attacking in a reasonable time frame. Still needs some minor adjustments to each monster to take in account the different attack rates, etc.

Now I'm working on adding some spells as well, some of which are based on your work.

using DS1_Mod_Test_Summons_v2.ds2res now... was testing 3 summons Skick, Giant Rat and Darkling

those 3 are very nice, I was showing them tough love, not helping the summons and the 3 managed to kill every monster, that came around! Notes: with these 3 I did not have the crash to desktop.
I notice that the darkling spawns a little slower than the skick and rat, must be the difference in combat spawning and nature spawning. the rat seems to not have the glowing green glow that the darkling and skick have....moved on to another act, found the Skeleton and Jade Gargoyle, the Skeleton spawned with his sword that he jiggles between both hands I just love the old ds1 skeletons hehe, but the Jade Gargoyle did not spawn, and when I clicked on the Paw for the jade gargoyle's npc the game crashed... its very possible I don't have the current jade gargoyle but anyways I will try again later, perhaps with the 2 new characters that way can try all the spells... my fingers are hurting from all the typing, mouse clicking lol

Test Run 2: Tried Skeleton, Giant Moth, Mucosa, Forest Troll, and Krug Dog today
Notes: Giant Moth is fun with its Multispark spell, Mucosa was tough, Forest Troll was mean...
Krug Dog didn't summon for some reason, and the game crashed to desktop, guess I am missing Jade Gargoyle and Krug Dog now...not sure but anyways, these summons are doing good.

Being a fan of Wow - the moth summon would be one of the ds1 monsters that would make a good pet... In Wow the Draenei hunters used moths as their fighting companion. is example of the various moth pets... I would like to make a new painted moth for ds1. perhaps that is a future project.

Darkelf wrote:
. . .
Being a fan of Wow - the moth summon would be one of the ds1 monsters that would make a good pet... In Wow the Draenei hunters used moths as their fighting companion. is example of the various moth pets... I would like to make a new painted moth for ds1. perhaps that is a future project.

I know a Vasp pet.
Of course moths look some different, but at least a vasp has 2 of the 4 wings you are probably looking for!?

KillerGremal wrote:

I know a Vasp pet.
Of course moths look some different, but at least a vasp has 2 of the 4 wings you are probably looking for!?

I like the Vasp pet!!! but every time a bee ever landed on me in real life it stung me, so not sure how loyal they could be lol... but DS1 Moth's are so cute, they never bit me in real life, sadly they leave residue on shirts etc if they are killed :(...seriously thought, the game needs more pets, but sadly the Inn is not a Zoo and don't hold many animals. perhaps it time to make a modified Inn just for Pets called a Corral or something, I will keep that idea secret Wink Tongue

Darkelf wrote:
KillerGremal wrote:

I know a Vasp pet.
Of course moths look some different, but at least a vasp has 2 of the 4 wings you are probably looking for!?

I like the Vasp pet!!! but every time a bee ever landed on me in real life it stung me, so not sure how loyal they could be lol... but DS1 Moth's are so cute, they never bit me in real life, sadly they leave residue on shirts etc if they are killed :(...seriously thought, the game needs more pets, but sadly the Inn is not a Zoo and don't hold many animals. perhaps it time to make a modified Inn just for Pets called a Corral or something, I will keep that idea secret Wink Tongue

I'm planning on adding several DS1 pets so I'll make a Moth pet. There'll probably be lots of images online on which to base some nice new textures too, so it's different to the regular variety. What sort of skills should it have?

The other pets will be completely different to the current fare, though one is quite obvious - a drake of some description. Again a flying pet.

The limited space in the Inn is already a big pain so the idea of a corral is brilliant. Assuming the code could be made to work in conjunction with the Inn system and allowed only pets to be stored there. An idea to work with.

It's also funny you talking about Bees as I once tried to make a Bee enemy (retexture of a phrak or soul stinger) but couldn't quite get the textures right so it was abandoned into the graveyard of ideas that didn't quite work. Bees are a common low level enemy in some RPG games.

Really look good! Hoping to see more content like this in the future. - Review Solution

iryan wrote:
I'm planning on adding several DS1 pets so I'll make a Moth pet. There'll probably be lots of images online on which to base some nice new textures too, so it's different to the regular variety. What sort of skills should it have?

The other pets will be completely different to the current fare, though one is quite obvious - a drake of some description. Again a flying pet.

It's also funny you talking about Bees as I once tried to make a Bee enemy (retexture of a phrak or soul stinger) but couldn't quite get the textures right so it was abandoned into the graveyard of ideas that didn't quite work. Bees are a common low level enemy in some RPG games.

I started work on a purple moth pet called Mothra (Godzilla reference) got a dds file made and the templates, loaded the petshop, petshop must have a limit on number of pages of pets it can show, as it went back to one page, and then when I clicked on the moth pet it crashed, so back to drawing board on that

I wanted a drake too, I was gonna call mine Puff the Magic Dragon..the dragon in ds2 is kinda to small lol

as for the Bee... imagine if u have like a honey bee, u could crop it with image editor and past over the Phrak/soul stinger art...or using paint shop pro use the cloner brush technique, or even floodfill with yellow certain areas...anyways that quite a good idea for a pet.

Darkelf wrote:

I started work on a purple moth pet called Mothra (Godzilla reference) got a dds file made and the templates, loaded the petshop, petshop must have a limit on number of pages of pets it can show, as it went back to one page, and then when I clicked on the moth pet it crashed, so back to drawing board on that

I wanted a drake too, I was gonna call mine Puff the Magic Dragon..the dragon in ds2 is kinda to small lol

as for the Bee... imagine if u have like a honey bee, u could crop it with image editor and past over the Phrak/soul stinger art...or using paint shop pro use the cloner brush technique, or even floodfill with yellow certain areas...anyways that quite a good idea for a pet.

Here's my attempt at an Emperor Moth. Still needs a little touch-up.

How many pets did you have loaded? I've used your Pets Reloaded Mod which required multiple pages without any crashes? There's also the Vasp pet in the Legendary Mod as well as in the past, a chicken and dog pet, which never caused any problems.

I probably could make a good enough bee now as my techniques have improved since my first attempts.

iryan wrote:

Here's my attempt at an Emperor Moth. Still needs a little touch-up.

How many pets did you have loaded? I've used your Pets Reloaded Mod which required multiple pages without any crashes? There's also the Vasp pet in the Legendary Mod as well as in the past, a chicken and dog pet, which never caused any problems.

That's an awesome looking moth!!!!
much better than my purple one which I have all done but the rigging of the power.
as for the problem with the pet shop its cause I forgot to add the bw shop fix, I need to add the chicken, vasp and dog to my template sometime

Darkelf wrote:

That's an awesome looking moth!!!!
much better than my purple one which I have all done but the rigging of the power.
as for the problem with the pet shop its cause I forgot to add the bw shop fix, I need to add the chicken, vasp and dog to my template sometime

Thanks, I'm glad you like it. I actually copied and pasted the textures from this image, rotating and adjusting the image as required.

Looking at the images of moths available on the net, it's amazing the variety of colours and shapes they come in. Some of them are as colourful as butterflies. It would be wonderful if we could tinker with the shape of the moth and extend the wings a bit. Your texture would make a great Luna Moth even though they tend to be green in colour.

I'll have a go at making a Tiger Moth as well. Having nice textures is fine but you need a suitable name to go along with the pet. The Silkworm Moth is very nice looking indeed but doesn't sound very impressive next to Emperor Moth, Tiger Moth or Mothra.

Here's my attempt at a Tiger Moth, with the original image used as reference and source.

The moths are great guys. Since some moths get into your closet and eat holes in you cloths maybe a good spell for them would be something like decay armor Smile -- I think the person having a moth pet really should have cloth armor that is ragged and full of holes. Must work on that Smile Of all the flying creatures that could be a pet or a summon a vulture might be nice. They could just eat the enemy when they are almost dead. Also birds of FAMILY CORVIDAE, Genus Corvus since they are some of the smartest animals around. I would select Ravens over Crows since they tend to be larger. There are a flock of Western ravens, Corvus (corax) sinuatus, that live in my neighborhood. There is one older bird that I see most mornings sitting on one of my neighbor's news papers and he really looks like he is reading it. It also appears that he prefers the Wall Street Journal. I have watched them do many amazing things like unpin laundry from a cloths line just so they can get a shiny bit of cloth. Raid bird feeders hung from a wire so the Squirrels can not get to them. They will sit on the branch the bird feeder is hung from and pull it up to them and eat what they find breaking into the feeder if need be.

My pet vote would be a Raven.


However I do like the moths.

iryan wrote:
. . .
I'll have a go at making a Tiger Moth as well. Having nice textures is fine but you need a suitable name to go along with the pet. The Silkworm Moth is very nice looking indeed but doesn't sound very impressive next to Emperor Moth, Tiger Moth or Mothra.
. . .
Very interesting to see, I didn't know that moths can apprear in so many colors... :o Smile

bare_elf wrote:

My pet vote would be a Raven.


However I do like the moths.

I agree they would be interesting but the problem is there's really no proper model for those types of birds in the game and no real animations. The only "birds" that exist in the game and have proper models and animations are terrestrial versions like the Chicken, Gikk, Kikclaw and Turkey.

I once for fun made a larger version of the crab to see what it looks like and it was quite awful really. The model lacks any real detail and the textures are very basic. Quite fine for a small ambient critter, which it is but useless for anything else.

The same situation would occur for the Raven, Seagull, Vulture, etc. Would be very nice as some other RPG games use birds as enemies but not DS1.

uploaded Mothra mod to site -

I really love the Tiger Moth, actually both those 2 moths would be good adds to both games as pets/summons/monsters on a map etc.... Perhaps a land of the mad moths...;)

yeah the Vulture and Crow/Raven would be good ideas..perhaps could "BORROW" from some other game modding communities some fan made stuff and import into this game...or perhaps that would be "STEALING" oh well

Darkelf wrote:
uploaded Mothra mod to site -

I really love the Tiger Moth, actually both those 2 moths would be good adds to both games as pets/summons/monsters on a map etc.... Perhaps a land of the mad moths...;)

yeah the Vulture and Crow/Raven would be good ideas..perhaps could "BORROW" from some other game modding communities some fan made stuff and import into this game...or perhaps that would be "STEALING" oh well

Here's the texture for the Tiger Moth. I didn't upload the template as I imagine it would be very similar to the Mothra one anyway. Feel free to play around with it as it'll be a while before I get enough time to add pets into the Legendary Mod.

I imagine as long as the mod resources are free of any restrictions, it would be fine to use them in Dungeon Siege 2. There's also plenty of free models available such as here;

However DS2 uses a very uncommon model format so 3DS and OBJ models would have to be imported into GMax like this tutorial demonstrates;

The above was just for an object, for animated actors it is even more involved as this tutorial from Siegenetwork shows where a model was imported from the very first Sims game into DS1.

I mucked around a bit with GMax but the complexities and time involved was far too much for me.