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Mod Title: Effects-1a
Effects have been modified across the board in an attempt to make the game less laggy for players with lower end computers. Lights and advanced shaders were the worst culprits. Most effects have had their alpha lessened and some have been heightened (Health and Mana bushes visibility improved in snowy regions).

Author: PhoeniX (aka) Volkan

Mod Version Number: 1a
Tank Priority: 30000
Release Date: December 1, 2012
Mod Size (approx.): 1.5 MB

If you find any problems please email me at or post a comment in the forums.

This mod requires Dungeon Siege 2 Broken World and Elys DS2 Succubus Manager


Known Issues:

Installation Instructions:
Place Effects-1a.ds2res into the C:Program Files/2K Games/Dungeon Siege 2 Broken World/Resources folder.

Uninstall Instructions:
Remove files from directory where installed.

mod categories: 


PhoeniX I tried the mod on my relatives computer because it showed some lag in certain places in the Converted Utraean Peninsula Map. The first two places in Elddim appear to be fixed. I will let you know what I think as soon as I get a chance to poke about in a few more maps.


Can someone refresh the link for download ?

Hi Karr the link has been fixed.

Tank you.