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Loup_Ombrage's picture

I sort of agree with both Sharkull's and Wyvante's statements. Why someone did something is always a good measure, for example, someone donating a huge some of money just for recognition or fame, as opposed to someone donating any amount because they believe in the cause, but the deed itself can sometimes outweigh why someone did something- the scientests behind the A-bomb, for example, may have had the best intentions in the world (and some even withdrew from the project after the first test, as they didn't want a part in anything so terrible), but that does not change how many innocent people were killed in the Hiroshima and Nagaski bombings. Although situations like that become complicated, as Japan may have been developing nuclear bombs as well, and done the same thing in America's place. Kathycf certainly was right in saying that humans can be extremely stupid when it comes to being peacefull.