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Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

Well, you should get DS2, yes, and its expansion pack Broken World, but it's almost like apples and oranges (both are "fruits," or in this case "games," but the two are rather different from one another, each with its own pros and cons, each with its own flavor). Many of us prefer DS1 because it is so easily moddable and there are so many opportunities for different character races, game maps, weapons, armors, classes, spells, "siegelets," etc, as well as the infinitely preferable MP map in DS1 (the Utraean Peninsula map). However, DS2 and BW offer undeniably superior graphics, a huge map with tons of challenges (and not just the typical hack and slash of DS1, although there's plenty of that as well), a more well-developed storyline with good background info provided throughout the game in the form of books and conversations, and new gear, as well as "Special Powers."

So don't give up on DS1; in some ways it's much better than DS2. And definitely get LoA as well. But go ahead and get DS2 and BW (you can get both DS2 and BW in the "Dungeon Siege II Deluxe Edition"), because in some ways the DS2 game (and its expansion) is much better than DS1.