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What is THIS?

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

Okay I decided to start playing DS2 again, so I am in the azunite vault and suddenly this.....THING with a green boss ring around him appears! I hit him with a grasping vine to stop him for a better look, but this kills him and he drops a bunch of unique and rare items, and a "mysterious teleporter activation stone". What is THIS??? An easter egg? 8O

That stone, plus the bucket, the book, and the token are the keys to the extra level.

The loot thief usually turns up while you're busy with a boss monster and you have to be quick to notice. Drops a rare item every time you hit him, and the stone if you kill him. Steals random goodies from your inventory if you don't get him.

I forget how often he'll appear but I think it's supposed to be at least once per Act. Once killed, I don't remember if he stays dead.

If you don't know about the other items for the extra level - just ask.

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

ghastley wrote:
That stone, plus the bucket, the book, and the token are the keys to the extra level.

The loot thief usually turns up while you're busy with a boss monster and you have to be quick to notice. Drops a rare item every time you hit him, and the stone if you kill him. Steals random goodies from your inventory if you don't get him.

I forget how often he'll appear but I think it's supposed to be at least once per Act. Once killed, I don't remember if he stays dead.

If you don't know about the other items for the extra level - just ask.

Perhaps next time i see him, i should not kill him right away with a grasping vine, but use something weak, so he drops lots of stuff. :twisted:
I already have the stone, why not take all of his yummy loot! :P

LoneKnight's picture

Yes, he is an actual monster. He was made to steal rare items. When he appears, I pause the game, activate ALL of my team's special abilities and let it all out on the thief. With luck, it usually brings him down. He drops a fair amount of rare things. Other than mimics, he's other most hated monster in DS2.

firebat's picture

It's an easter egg yes, and a spoiler so maybe someone can move this to the right forum...

extra level???????
what extra level and why am i just now hearing about it?????

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

Well, i did an experiment, and i know what triggers him.

I used a mod that makes almost all drops to be rare, unique, or set. I killed a horde of vasps and there was a huge pile of goodies. Almost instantly the thief appears and runs at the loot. I hit him with a maxed out detonation power and he dies from 20,500 fire damage. Laughing out loud

I kept doing this and he appeared 3 times in 10 minutes.

It appears that he is triggered by piles of nice loot. :P

Lone Knight : Mimics are one of my favorite enemys, why do people hate them? :P

LoneKnight's picture

Mimics annoy me because they waste a lot of time and effort to kill.

Sharkull's picture

This beast ("???") is the key to the Mysterious Mystery secret quest... along with the three items of the Mysterious Set (all dropped in specific map locations). ??? does show up (a certain percentage of the time) when a rare or better item is dropped by a monster. If you don't kill him, he will drop three rares and then disappear (and you don't get the Mysterious Stone needed for the secret quest). You only need to kill him once (per difficulty level) so once you have the stone (which will be in your quest items) you can milk him for items all you want. Cool

The details of how to solve the mystery are documented very well elsewhere.

The details of how to solve the mystery are documented very well elsewhere.

A link can be found on the frontpage below the shoutbox.

So u have to have the charm u get from the areana the lion looking thing,the bucket u get from the secret in the stair case weres the book At???? and were do u go to find or open the secret level??

Sharkull's picture

...are linked from the "Game resources" section of the left-hand menus. This is the one you want: