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DS2: BW Multiplayer

Hello everyone, I'm new to playing Dungeon Siege 2: Broken World online, however, the only person I play with is my She's great but uh, I have way much more time on my hands than she does, she doesn't play games too often anymore. I need 'somebody' to play with lol. I've gotten the Gamespy problem taken care of, so my multiplayer is functional, I can access LAN but I can't use the Internet option (cracked .exe, I have the actual CD, it's just damaged) So I'm using GameRanger, but I haven't found anyone to play with yet. If anybody wants to play, please add/invite me at . I have a Skype as well, so we could voice chat Smile

MiuMelody's picture

Hi Smile I'd be glad to play Multiplayer with you if you're still interested and come to this forum.....except,unfortunately I can't speak on skype for some private reasons. I'm waiting for your feedback Smile

Ah I'm sorry I didn't get back to you right away. I'd love to play some multiplayer with you, it's been awhile though. How is your DS2 setup looking?

MiuMelody's picture

Well I got DS2+BW+patch v2.2.......I didn't add any language changing programs.
I finished the game several times but unfortunately lost my characters so I had to restart,currently I have a level 33 nature mage,it's though Laughing out loud Well I never cheated but after losing all of my characters(what made me very sad) I found a magic item mod,you can get rares everywhere...but if we'd start playing I'd delete it from the resources.

MiuMelody's picture

What time is in your country?

I'm running Central Time (US). I've got DS2 2.2 plus BW installed. Yes please remove the cheat mod lol, I like balanced gameplay. However there are a few mods I'd suggest you try, as our resource folders have to match in order for multiplayer to work. I'm sure you will like these mods as they don't cause issues and improve gameplay by a lot.

These will go in regular DS2 resources folder--

Level Adjustment Mod:
DS1 Weapons:

This will go in DS2- BW resources folder--

Aranna Legacy:

For Aranna Legacy, go to C:\Users\user\Documents\My Games\Dungeon Siege 2 Broken World\DungeonSiege2BrokenWorld.ini and add these lines:

monster_adjust_world = all
monster_adjust_difficulty = 70
buff_limit = 3
brilliant_regeneration = 2
run_speed_by_dex = -1
run_speed_cargo_bonus = -1
quiver_mode = 2
pet_dire_wolf_black = true
pet_mythrilhorn_golden = true
save_town_portal = true
recipe_transfer = true

From there, I think we'll have some pretty stable gameplay.

If you don't wanna use these mods, I can disable them. How will you connect to me?

EDIT: I use Game Ranger and a fix in the Hosts file

MiuMelody's picture

1.After losing some level 90 characters I got really mad and I didn't have the patience to do it over so I used the magic item mod
2. Yes please,I was thinking about removing all the mods if we start playing(Please remove the mods and the arrana legacy thing)
3.Our time zone isn't matching I think,so we have to discuss that.
4.Will we start again with those broken world level 39 characters? That'd be cool,atleast we'd have the same level...please? Laughing out loud Now I have to go to bed and tomorrow second day of XII class ^_^ bye

lol sure, I'm down for all of that. Goodnight Melody. I'll PM you

MiuMelody's picture

I'm here now Laughing out loud Where are you from? I mean country.
Do you have a facebook? (even if it's fake I don't care)
Sorry but my program is full(school + other things)....I think we could play on saturday,sunday and maybe thursday.

This is my Facebook :P I can assure you it's not fake, I'm too awesome for that lol. I'm from America. Any day sounds fine to me, I'm sure I can fit it into my schedule.

MiuMelody's picture

I don't care if it's fake or not,because I'll give you my fake one Smile
What state are you in?
Also I will play on thursday/saturday/friday/sunday I think...
And you didn't sent me your facebook
Then the level 39 characters will be in-game or?.....

I'm in Mississippi lol :P sorry I thought I put the link XD And of course, we'll be playing the Broken World map?

MiuMelody's picture

Yes we will.
Also I'll fix the time zones and the time when we'll play.
How old are you?
Sorry I have school and I can't reply fast.
What character will you use?

I'm 20 years old, and it's alright. I'm used to using a mage, so I might try using Alanna. It's been a long time since I've played the Broken World map lol. What character will you use?

MiuMelody's picture

Welllll I was thinking about using Alanna too :)) But I'll be okay with sasha Smile

I have a backup lvl 36 character I made awhile back, I can use him, I'll just be a few lvls lower lol

MiuMelody's picture

Oh no,go ahead and use alana please Smile

Alright lol, how will we be connecting to each other? I've only ever used Game Ranger or LAN

DrakeIsGod wrote:
Alright lol, how will we be connecting to each other? I've only ever used Game Ranger or LAN

I would have thought that a discussion of how to connect computers for the multiplayer game would have been first.
Then What mods you where going to use or not.
Then what character.
Now Drake you would like have to invite MiuMelody to your house for a local area network to be the solution. I do think that game ranger is the easiest to set up although there are a few other possibilities that you could use. Have fun MiuMelody playing Drake of the surprised icon. :P


XD lol I'm not used to proper planning. Game Ranger seems like the best way to make it work, all of the other ways seem like a hassle lol

MiuMelody's picture

Thank you very much Smile Also drake are you here? the time zone difference is 8 hours,so now it'd be good for both of us I think.....please answer Laughing out loud

MiuMelody's picture

I don't have strategies neither Laughing out loud Just kill them all :3

I just woke up lol, sorry. Send me a message on Facebook, I'm more likely to respond on time.

MiuMelody's picture

Then answer on facebook now,and come 2 play :))