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DS2BW crack/mod search in progress


currently using elys manager and some other mods, large stash, rareseverywhere, skill reset. used instant xp briefly to get to lvl 100. they all work great and thanks for working on those (esp. elys).

DISO a way to play on elite difficulty BW with a character fresh off of the last quest in DS2 mercenary... without completing the necessary previous modes. any ideas?

Sharkull's picture

You would probably need a couple of mods... (one for the DS2 map and one for BW map)... with some modified flick files to mark the map complete at that difficulty level (boolean variables IIRC). Probably not too difficult, but I don't have the game installed so can't do it / test it myself.

For anyone willing, take a look at my_test_world for the formatting... the real game flick files (at the end of the map... somewhere in the final battle stuff or shortly after) will have the map names you'd need to use. Then all you'd need is to put it into the game somewhere near the beginning of each map.

Should work... but no way to know for sure until tested.

This would be an excellent combination of mods: All*Saves, InstantXP (until lvl 100 and mastered all skill tabs), RaresEveryWhere (until you have all the good sets and the best uniques), MegaStash, SixSlots, ResetSkills. This last mod I'm searching for would be the final ingredient. Being able to create a new character and go straight to elite after acquiring the gear and xp needed is the goal. A challenge, still, to say the least though I haven't played on elite yet. If someone could look into Sharkull's advice to make this possible, then presenting this package of mods together would be EPIC.

Sharkull's picture

You could try yourself... This kind of mod is just working with text files (accessed using the proper tools...).

I really DO need the same mode cause of same issue.. I have the tools needed, but can't really find what to edit.. vet and elite world files apear at savefile directory only by trigerring something, cannot be created I assume. And world files.. I couldn't find the files responsible for teleporter status activated : true or only by trigerring(coming close to it) : true or activated by default: false or anything like this... I would really admire at least arch-mage teleporter activation mode, run speed x4 makes it almost equal to what I'm asking for.

I would really need same mod for same issue, pls! I was searching for files to edit, but didn't find anything responsible for teleport activation, and savefiles do not keep vet and elite world files unless your trigger something :/

Plssss, arch-mage teleporter mod would do it for me, with 4x run-speed almost equal.

Also, anyone heard anything of QГESTSDS2MEGAMOD for ds 2/bw? I heard it adds 200+ quests, some "cursed" type items and so on.. But google desagrees with me on this point... is it just a rumor or it exists? Heard it was on some pirate CD, very old forum info..

Also, found some mikle009 ds2 mods, quite nice, large simple map, shotguns, ds1 weapons, etc., playable monsters including LoA ones, normal movespeed. Let me know if you need them for your data base, not so easy to find Smile

I have managed to fix the problem! Using tank viewer & tank creator, I've mixed savefiles of mine and of some guy who have reached the elite level. Overall, I've created a party with a name [10th legion], containing 6 my main heroes from different save files, including a monster trip character, while the main hero who provided me ELITE difficulty is disbanded into tavern Laughing out loud And all of my character have their names, none of them is [1oth legion], cause she is also disbanded Laughing out loud Oh my, my perfect party is set and ready for adventures! The nice thing is that all quests are still not triggered even if journal thinks otherwise, it refreshes *_*