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[DS1] Legends of Utrae

- just reached Lang..

- this is indeed a beautifully crafted game!

Blondin235 wrote:
- if I'm not back in a week..
- send sandwiches by packmule..

- lots of sandwiches! :woot:

Laughing out loud

Hurray, I've reached Hiroth, at last.. :woot:
- now to place the Townstones and complete the final phase..

- next I'm planning to do a fresh start in Veteran Mode..

- wow! this really is an amazing Mod, it's absolutely massive..!!

Don't forget to do the Chickens. Smile

just re-started LoU at the next level (veteran)..

- the whole party was imported using the DSLOAMod method..
- and, hey! - the donkey is still loaded with goodies from previous level, as well..

- this could be fun..!! :woot:

Sharkull's picture

I had started an LoU game a couple months ago, but I got sidetracked with other things... (there is never enough time to do all the things I want to). I had started with an Elf as my hero, but considering you get to recruit one very early on, I think when I make my next attempt I'll try just starting out as a human.

Just started a new game of LoU myself. Of course, I have been sidetracked making some new armors and stuff. I really appreciate how the map is not linear, allowing multiple routes to the same locations and lots of places to explore. See you in Elddim...
