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Photoshop Tutorials

This guide has been included in the tutorial section.
Game dev communities I've been in often list many many photoshop tuts. So why not here :). You will be able to take aspects from learning with tuts and apply them to video games. If you got some list em.

Stuff here looked very fun(some nice short tricks)

This site links to a ton of photoshop tuts.

More tuts some videos and resources.

Game Related

The pixel sizes for ds2 are 32x32, 64x64, 128x128, 256x256, 512x512 . They can have any mix of these numbers such as 32x64 like you would see in some inventory items.

Seamless Texturing

I use a different technique but could be personal preference. seamless is good for nodes. Cannot seem to find the way I do it Sad .

Ugh need to sort out my tutorials(I have many) to categorize them. I will keep working on this. note: need to find a tut on the tools for photoshop to help out newbs. I will also add references for material to work on. I have the same for max but need to organize that as well. /tired