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Siege FX

I'm starting to accumulate details as I find them about how the WorldFXMgr stuff works in DS2. There's a new page at that I'll be progressively adding to as I go along. I expect to change some of the function names into links leading to a description of the parameters and maybe examples of use, starting later tonight. Expect this page to change frequently - I'll probably also add a change log to it at the bottom.

This doesn't duplicate the Siege U stuff, which really only describes how to connect the effects to weapons etc., and doesn't explain anything about how they work.

I probably won't do a complete job, unless other people feed me their findings, I'll just put in what I needed to know to get the bubbles effects working, and any others I do after those.

(edit: It's now a day later and I've done some of those things. Feedback on format etc. would be useful)